Is swearing at someone disrespectful?

When lets say a person drops the f bombs when regarding you or calls you stupid, is it disrespectful even when it is done in a joking way between acquaintances? Remember not close friends, just with someone who you know somewhat and have talked for a bit.

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? Best Answer

  • Generally, if someone respects you, no ill language should come forth from their mouths, especially when referencing you directly.

    Have a polite day.
    Etiquette takes over where laws end.

  • It all depends how the other person takes it. If you know them really well, chances are they will be able to tell when you are being serious, and when you are joking.

    People you have just met likely won’t have that reflex because they obviously don’t you very well. So I wouldn’t necessarily throw the F word at the beginning of our friendship because there is a chance, a quite large one as well, that they will misinterpret it.

    You’re only being rude if you offend the other person. And that all comes down to interpretation.

  • What are swear words? They are socially designated words that are by definition offensive.

    Realize what that really means, and you have the answer to your question. People who push the notion that people should not take these words so offensively do not understand what a contradiction is. It is not that these words are somehow universally discovered as insulting, it is that we have defined them to be that way, so they always will be.

  • I guess it depends on the situation, but generally yes.

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