Looking to find a Choc Female Miniature Pinsher puppy that will be 18 to 21lbs when grown?

Have had 2 Choc Female Miniature Pinshers ( last one got killed 2 weeks ago) that have been 18 to 21lbs that have been extraordinary and I’m looking for another one. Hope to find someone that has a puppy of sort

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  • Sorry about that guy, only God can judge. I have a 71 pound Boreder colle the breed is usally 45 lbs. He’s FEMA disater dog and very fit. I got him from a breeder that rasies champion hearding dogs. Look for a breeder that can provide what you want
  • Were your dogs obese, crap-bred, or mongrels? That is TWICE what a correct and healthy Miniature Pinscher should weigh.

    If you want a dog that is larger than a toy breed, why not look into a breed that is SUPPOSED to be that large? The Miniature Schnauzer and German Pinscher are related breeds with similar/shared histories that are supposed to be that size.

    No reputable breeder (like one that is producing puppies that are predictably healthy and stable) will be producing Min Pins that size, you might have luck in rescue, but I would expect a dog that large to be listed as a mix, and with a rescue puppy (even a purebred) you’re never quite sure what you’re getting until they’re grown.

    Good luck.

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