Can you treat bumblefoot on mice without going to a vet?

My two mice have just contracted bumblefoot. I’ve been cleaning their cage twice a week to help prevent this but they have gotten it anyway! I now soak their feet in salt water and Clorsig to help get rid of the disease but it doesn’t seem to be improving.

Any advice?

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  • Bumblefoot is an infection that can spread very quickly and become more severe. It’s great that you are soaking their feet in saline, do that three times a day if you can. But what is Clorsig? (isn’t that a brand of eye drops? Don’t use that!)

    Besides saline soaks, you need to make sure the bedding is soft and does not irritate the wounds. Use carefresh or fleece. Remove or cover sharp or hard items in the cage, including wheels (ideally, they should not be running much or at all). And of course, you need to be cleaning the cage daily to keep it as sterile as possible.

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