Is there any way to block a stolen computer?

someone stole me two laptops, I have all the documents and the original boxes. Is there any way I can block that computers so that he cannot use them?. How can I protect my other ones? Does it exist anything similar to the IMEI code for computers?

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  • you would need to have installed a program such as preyproject that lets you blobk the laptops, track them and even use the camera on them to take a pic of whoever is using them now, check it out at
  • You got to have it password protected
    And no GUESS sign on available
    That passwords has got to be a lot of numbers letters and typing symbols
    ?(&%$#@aBDC78erIrr+&* mNUt
    kind of things
    That password would take a couple hundred years for a password program to break
    Just make sure you type out the pass word first on notepad then print it out
    Then copy paste it to the new password option for signing on
    Signing on will be nasty at times but just remember that any one that wants to start it up will have a lot of work

  • Yes, there is but it doesn’t work that way. If you know your MAC address, I mean the unique address of your network card then when someone connects to a network police could track it using your MAC address.

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