How will alcohol effect me?

When I was 14 I drank alcohol for the first time. By the time I was 18 I was what I consider an alcoholic. (drinking every day and night) then one night I tried jumping through a window and got a concussion. Haven’t drank since. Went through crazy withdraws but never drank again. Two years have passed and I’d like to drink again. Just for special occasions this time. But since I’ve quit drinking I’ve lost 40 pounds and I’m nervous that because I’m only 1-120 lbs now, that the alcohol will hit me a lot harder than it used to. Plus the fact that I havejt drank in so long I’m expecting it to but anywho. My question is, will it be like drinking my first beer. Will I feel much? What happened your first time drinking a beer? Lol


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  • You can try with a beer see how it goes… if you get too drunk again you know that you can’t handle it so you are probably the kind of person that shouldnt drink at all…

  • alcohol can be fun but you should not drink it everyday imo. sometimes you need it just to step out of the serious life and have some fun.

  • alcohol will actually make you lose brain cells (not kidding). and brain cells don’t grow back or reproduce, so once they’re gone, they’re gone.

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