How much beer do I need to drink to make all my problems go away?


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  • None, beer does not make your problems go away. It may make you forget them for a while. But that is about it.

  • I’m 31 and have no friends and have never had a girlfriend.

    I drink 8 to 10 a day and my problems don’t seem to go away.

    Wow… That kinda rhymed…

    “I rhyme on a dime it must be a crime.”

    I guess I must be Malibu’s next most wanted.

  • Sorry dude, your problems will still be there when the beer wears off…and you’ll likely have even more problems at that point. Like a hangover.

  • I guess it depends on how big your problems are and how strong the beer is.

    Age, sex, weight, medication, temperature and altitude will also have an effect.

    If beer doesn’t work then try drugs instead.

  • About to the point where your out of beer.

  • until they dont bother u, if that means passing out so it is.

    btw, ur problems wont actually go away, u just wont care or be upset.

    U may awake with a new perspective and realize they might not be as bad as u thought.

    Source(s): drinking and passing out and waking up.
    Note: the last part is important. Dont drink so much u die from alcohol poisoning.

  • If being an alcoholic makes you satisfied, decide for it. it incredibly is a pretend relief on your issues. yet, once you’re unwilling to properly known that, then decide for it. i’m no longer likely to resign you. yet i visit enable you recognize that your existence will in no way get extra advantageous as an alcoholic. collectively because it might desire to look to alleviate your issues and make you sense extra advantageous, interior the long-term it is going to easily reason new issues. yet, once you’re sufficiently previous to drink, then you certainly’re sufficiently previous to make your existence worse just to sense extra advantageous for some hours in a drunken state. So, drink up. Sorry, i do no longer recommend to be sarcastic yet, you asked interior the kind you probably did so I replied in style.

  • Drink ’till you see Jesus. Then wake up, go throw up in the toilet, and make a plan to solve your problems instead of self-medicating with alcohol.

    Bonus points if Jesus pimp-slaps you and calls you not “my child,” but “my stepchild.”

  • None….Happy puppies should not drink beer.

  • Get a case just to be sure. Probably a 12 pack though.

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