I have a 3 year old that will eat certain things or not eat at all..Any Ideas?

I am a mother of 3 and my other 2 I have had no problems with. My 3 yr old only eats certain things like chicken nuggets or noodles. That’s on a good day. He loves cereal but I want him to eat other things not just cereal. How can I get him to eat other things? When he tries something new he just spits it out. I would love for him to eat the same meals that me and my family are eating..but he doesn’t. Please give me some ideas…


✅ Answers

  • My boys are the same way..their 4 and 3..and they are so picky its not that they don’t like it its that they won’t try it..we try to get them too..

    One idea is to put all the different things your having for supper/dinner on their plates and one thing you know they like and go from there..eventually hopefully they will try the other foods..

    Good luck!!

  • Kids do that all the time. Some are picky eaters and some are “I’ll eat anything.” kind of children. Mine are all picky. I make them what I make and if they don’t eat then they don’t eat. They’ll learn to eat or not to eat.

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