Why do couples have babies when they aren’t financially settled?

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  • That is an interesting question. I’ve always wanted to think about it.

    I think there are many reasons, one of them obviously being the advantages the government gives you with the creation of a family(maternity pays, etc.)

    But there are others as well.

    From my experience with families that don’t have much funds, the parents are usually very young, that might give several ideas. Maybe the child was unplanned, since young people are usually known as being a little non-cautious when it comes to sexual activities, yet it is mostly a generalization. But generalizations have a reason for appearing, so this idea is still most likely true.

    The other idea is, it is common for young couples to romanticize family and childbirth. Many people I know are pretty much sure that if they have kids, some kind of magic will appear and boom – all of sudden they will be happy and rich and together forever. So they try to give birth as soon as possible, even if the parents don’t have a job or haven’t finished college/university, which often results in complete or partial destruction of the unsteady family capital.

    That’s a few reasons I can think of. I’m sure there are more, but I’m not very familiar with this topic in general. I guess I’ll find out more about it later.

    Personally, I’m a young adult and I don’t plan on having kids until I’m at least . That’s when my career might acquire its peak according to the average.

    That’s my opinion. 🙂

  • Because sometimes you never get into a financial mindset… Things happen. Even when you have a nice nest egg set aside for children, college, vacation, etc…all it can go in the blink of an eye with [say] a trip to the hospital, or replacing a vehicle, replacing a major appliance in the home.

    Two out of children I had were not planned. Abortion was NOT an option for me…I could never do it. We just made due, and we have wonderful daughters that have lived through adversity and abundance, and it builds character, allowing them the tools necessary to thrive when things are tough.

    Most people would never have kids if they waited until they were financially settled.

  • Lack of education, financial planning, foresight and, oftentimes, common sense. Trust me on this. I live near the slums in my area and I see families with too many children to reasonably support all the time, and most of the time, it’s the result of not being informed on stuff like family or financial planning.

    Source(s): My neighbors, the area I live in and at least relatives who got married too soon.

  • I had my child because my birth control failed, and I was living in a country where it was illegal and quite dangerous to get an abortion. While modern birth control methods are very good, they aren’t perfect, and failures do happen.

    Sometimes, though, people, especially teens, think that everything will work out OK if they just work hard enough. Most of the time, no, it doesn’t work out well.

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  • Good point.

    My opinion is, if you can’t afford babies, don’t have babies.

    But for some people having babies is so important, they want to have babies irrespective of anything. In such cases they will go ahead and have them. This will be detrimental to both parents and babies however in another sense parents will be satisfied to fulfill their dream/purpose of having children.I think this is selfish and irresponsible for the parents and unfair for the babies/children.

  • Unplanned pregnacy

  • Having had two kids of my own… and they are now grown, if I had waited until I could “afford” them… I would still be waiting…

    Don’t get me wrong, I agree that couples need to ensure they can pay their bills and have a steady income to provide for their kids… but the notion of waiting until you are well off enough to afford kids is faulty logic.

  • People have done without money for tens of thousands of years.

  • probably by mistake , unplanned

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