Advice on getting published as a minor?

Hey, I’ve written a book that is about , words. I really would like to get it published once I’ve finished all of my editing and made sure that it’s cleaned up. But there are two problems.

) I’m not eighteen

) I don’t have a literary agent

Does anyone have any advice as to how I should go about this? I really would like to be picked up by a publishing agency, and I’m willing to do the work it takes to get there! Thanks for the help!

✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • Simple: Don’t tell the publisher that you’re under until you have a contract. Then they can’t judge you.

  • There are literary agents that can help with everything from editing/proofreading to getting you published, even if you are under . They don’t charge anything up-front and absorb the costs that you would normally have to cover in exchange for a percentage of your profits (usually % – or more depending on how much of your marketing, publishing or other services they handle). Check out Sovereign Muse Media. They should be able to help you out and answer any other questions.


  • You need to send your work out to agents until you find one to represent you. Your age doesn’t make a differencem, except that your parents might have to sign any contracts.

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