Advice on how to start talking to this girl?

so I’m in my sophomore year and right now I’m trying to find myself a girlfriend, and well there’s this girl who I’ve noticed at school, she’s really cute, seems like my type, and I want to get to know her, but the thing is I don’t talk to her at all, i don’t have her for any classes, I don’t even know her name :p, I just see her around during lunch or something, but i know I’m really attracted to her. I have friends who know her but I want to start talking to her myself, but i don’t how to start,  I know it sounds lame but c’mon I’m the shytype, I’m just looking for some really helpful advice on how I can start talking to her and get to know her, I would really appreciate it 🙂


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  • I was just like you in my sophomore year, I was really shy, I even ran away from my crush who wanted to talk to me and I turned down the guy I liked because I didn’t know if I was the gf type! lol, needless to say I know how you feel! Your friend is the major connection use it! I had a friend who was friends with basically every guy I ever liked and I never used it to my advantage even though she’d always be like come hang out with me and the guy you like because I was too nervous but don’t be like me! Ask your friends if they could some how arrange something like hanging out with her and your friends or all of you going to the movies or a city stroll etc. Is she a part of any of the school clubs or does she do any sport you guys do? If yes, than get involved in her circle and you could get to know her – like if shes part of the book club join it too (well only if you really are interested or else it can appear stalkerish ). And put yourself out there, you can else if your brave enough go with your friends who know her to meet her, let them introduce you to her. And from there just open up and say hi to her in the hallways and soon she’ll be comfortable around you and she’ll want to get to know you. Just do it! Best of luckk! 🙂

  • maybe your friends could invite her to the same lunch table. Or during a sporting event sit close to her and when something happens during the game, look over at her and talk to her about it. Get to know her that way and then see if shes the type of girl you would want (not just based on looks)

  • Have your friends introduce you to her and then you need to take it from there

  • Your friends know her so let them to introduce you to her…

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