am i entitled to any help towards my living costs or benefits im 19?

2 weeks my parents kicked me out, i didnt declare myself as homeless but that was my situation i had just recieved a tax rebate so i found myself somewhere to live and now have a flat, however my current income is alot lower than my out goings

im 19 years old and earn 225 a week, 180 after tax however im self employed and can sometimes have days or weeks of work due to the weather or lack of work, at the moment im lucky to get £1 a week what makes it very difficult to pay my bills what are in excess of £2.

£95 a week rent (all bills included water, electric, gas, council tax)

£70 a week food

£25 a week loan

£10 a week to get my clothes wash

and theres other things i need aswell what help boost it up a bit more

my house didnt come furnished so i dont have any appliances all ive got is a bed in a room and just wondered if theres anything that can help me towards my bills or help me furnish my flat


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  • £70 a week on food ! Are you living on takeaways? My student daughter spends between about £15 a week. You need to learn how to cook and budget buy,Her laundry is £3.

    But even reducing your food bill and doing hand washing you are living above your means.Your biggest item is rent,are there any cheaper places in your location,a house share maybe?

    You can try looking on line for a benefit calcuator, But I think an extra p/t job in a bar may be a better bet .All the best.

  • No. There is no help at all because your earnings are too high to have any entitlement to support. There is no help to furnish your flat because you earn enough to do it yourself. JSA you are already in work, and HB your earnings are too high and Tax Credits you’re too young and have no child.

    Move out of your flat and into a room in shared accomodation like students your age do. That is how to save about £40pw so you’ll be sorted.

    Also, £70pw food???! What’s wrong with you?! Food should be no more than £30-£40pw. Stop eating out if you are and only buy what you need. I have a family of 4 with food at £1pw and that’s a lot because we earn a lot more than you!

    The loan is a lot so if it’s only a few hunderd £ or less than £30 just renegotiate if you can but if not you’ll just have to pay it. The clothes washing is fine.

    PS or you can get a second job in a bar or club or something 🙂

  • Tough break. For free furniture and appliances you can try craigslist.

    Try washing your clothes at home in the tub or sink for now, if you can dry them outside or over door ways in your flat. As far as food are you eating take out because you have no appliances? Do you have no friends who can help you out at all?

    You can try going to the nearest benefits office and see if there are any assistance programs available for you. Other then that you might have to get creative about how to save money or you might need to get another job to fill in for the times you can’t work due to weather or lack of work. I guess you could try making money on the internet doing things like taking surveys or do freelance stuff. Not sure what else to tell you.


  • Go on govdirect and have a look at the benefits might be entitled to something…you should also look into repaying the loan quicker, then you could manage….and, as said before are you living on quail’s eggs and beluga caviare? Food should be half of what you’re paying if not less, I expect things will improve when you get some appliances..try freecycle…just ask for what you want, sometimes people will even deliver.

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  • You are earning too much to qualify for most benefits (not that there are many for a single person) and you won’t get help with the rent for a flat at your age: you only qualify for a single room – you are just going to have to reduce your expenses.

  • Yes – Freecycle. See to find your nearest group. All sorts of stuff – furniture, clothes, books, household goods etc free of charge. Free to register and site is free to use.

    £70 a week on food is a huge amount for a single person. That’s nearly twice the average weekly amount spent to buy food for a family of four! See for some ideas on cheap and healthy eating.

  • A second job.

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