Any suggestions for a company name?

I’m starting a company soon offering cloth diaper laundry service. I’m having trouble coming up with a name. I don’t want it to be too cute, but I would like the name to suggest what type of service is offered.

The service I will provide for a weekly fee is: I will drop of clean cloth diapers provided by the company and pick up soiled diapers to launder once weekly. I also plan to offer a few related items for rent or purchase.

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  • If this is intended to be a small business with a relatively small service area in a single metropolitan area, I would not spend a lot of effort on a name.

    The first question is whether you want to be known as a cloth diaper laundry service or not. If this is intended to be the main business even if you are offering related items for rent or purchase, then here are a few suggestions “Your Last Name” Diaper Service, “Your City or Neighborhood” Diaper Service, “Local Landmark” Diaper Service. Add “Cloth” or “Laundry” if you think it helps.

    You really should put the name on the side of a truck with a phone number for people to call because word of mouth will be extremely important. You really want you truck to be very clearly labeled and when one expectant mother sees your truck in the neighborhood they will ask the people at the place where it stops as to whether they like the service and price.

    That is, unless there is some reason this is supposed to be more discrete. I can’t think of a good reason, but I guess if we are talking about something trying to be some sort of premium high end service, you might have to go for unmarked trucks. I don’t recommend that path.

    I agree you don’t want to get cute with puns or cutesy sayings. You will be answering a phone with this name so you don’t want something you are not willing to say 100 times a day on the phone or in person at pickup and drop-off.

    I would suggest referral discounts because mothers and expectant mothers all talk and if they get a small dollar amount off their bill because they refer someone else to your service you will pick up customers faster. Careful that you balance the discount and don’t set up any situations where there are ways to stack discounts. Also, make sure the referred person is in your service area before giving the person the discount.

    Your biggest problem will be getting up to speed quickly before your capital runs out. The faster you can ramp up the customer base the better off you will be. Relatively easy to change the name later if you really decide you don’t like it or want to expand.

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