Any suggestions when visiting Utah/Idaho?

I’ll be visiting Utah and Idaho next month. I won’t be visiting Southern Utah or Northern Idaho at all. I am LDS, so I will be visiting Temple Square and the Salt Lake Temple. Does anyone have suggestions at to places to see, parks to visit, places to eat or shop? Thanks in advance!

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  • Another sites that you could be visit is Hogle zoo in which they just had an new baby elephant born there last week the first one in the zoo, there is This is the Place State Park which is right across the street from the zoo. If you go to park city then you visit the Olympic Park those are just some of the sites to see there is a lot more. While you are a temple square you can take a tour of it and would strongly encourage you to see the Joseph Smith movie which is the Joseph Smith Memorial building if you have not see it yet. You can also take a tour of some of the other buildings like the conference center and you can go up to the top of the Church office building and look down. Utah is a great place to visit enjoy your stay while you are here. There is also a lot of good places to eat.

    Source(s): I live in Utah and love it. I am also a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and love being a member and will always be.

  • Some great places to visit in Salt Lake City are Temple Square, The Great Salt Lake, Hoagle Zoo, Antelope Island (there’s some excellent buffalo viewing there), Snowbird (take the tram to the top for some beautiful scenery), The Tracy Aviary, and go see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

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    As for shopping, Fashion Place Mall in Murray is good. The Gateway is a good place for shopping downtown.

    Some good restaurants in Salt Lake City are Al Forno’s (Italian), Rio Grande Cafe, Christopher’s Seafood and Steakhouse. and Spencers for Steaks and Chops.

    Source(s): Visited Salt Lake City

  • You can’t miss with these: Yellowstone:



    We just came back from living in Idaho Falls for two years.

    You have to see the new Rexburg Temple.

    It’s visible for about miles because it sits on a ridge above everything. Just remember, things are really far apart. It takes hours to get from Idaho Falls to the west gate of Yellowstone park. Please enjoy your trip. It’s getting cold out there. It usually snows before Halloween!

    Source(s): Been there done that, got the T shirts!

  • Meet up with a bishop and ask why everything in the book of Mormon has been proven to be false.

    No god living with his wives near a star

    No civilization remnants found in America

    No Jewish beliefs in native Americans

    No horses fossils on this continent

    No Adam and Even from years ago in fact humans have been around million years &

    where does all the money you pay goes to? It’s your money why can’t they tell you???

  • yup, near salt lake city is the wasatch mountains. take the tram at the ski area(open all year)-

    Source(s): thank’s ms bell “snowbird” I couldn’t remember the name

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