Any tips for door to door fundraising? Plz read all the detail its important?

Okay so I am helping out my friend Jasmine because she needs help fundraising door to door to get $210 total to go to Hershey park for a school music thing. So far we have made $80 but we would like to try to speed up our selling process. We are selling cookies, brownies,cofee, hot cocao, and tea. The cookies come as batter so you make them and the beverages come in packets and sort. We have been ignored many times after walking around for hours in the cold snowy weather. We live in a college town but we arent sure weather we should go to those houses? haha.What we have normally said is “Hi we are selling cookies and beverages to benefit us going to hershey park for a school music trip and we were wondering if you would be intrested…. If you have any suggestions on who to target, what to say, how to act…ect….ect. plz we need you help asap. Thankya so much. Buh bye.
Open Question

  • try this one….ok old man get on the floor and shut the f u c k up now where is the goods

  • Don’t talk at the same time.
    Talk in a clear voice loud enough and proud.
    Always smile.
    wear something business like.( A pencil skirt, A Blazer, Some Flats, Etc)
    Don’t say “these are $20 dollars” say “good morning, Imo ______* and this is my friend, _______*.
    Were raising money for a school fundraiser and… we were wondering if you would like some hot fudge brownies. They go really good with our hot cocoa,” *someone coughs* “it sounds like you also need some tea! I’ll tell you what, i’ll give you a WHOLE set, just for $20 dollars! We accept checks ;D.”
    Or something along those lines….
    And be safe, tell your parent to drive you around and stay in that persons drive way. Good luck!

    Former Girl Scout! =]

  • Hey Cassie

    I’ll put something out there no one has mentioned. Can you go to a local mall that has more traffic? Go someplace that you can get in front of a lot of people. Then once you have people walking past you each can talk to people. This decreases the amount of time you have to spend plus you’ll probably sell more than you expected in a couple of hours.

    There’s no magical phrase that’s going to get you a yes 1% of the time. Be confident, be funny and stress the reason your doing this.

    You’ll do fine, you sound ambitous and smart!
    Good Luck


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