anyone can grow tall it doesn't matter about their question is how can i grow tall.?

Can you please tell me how to increase the height of my boy who is only 13 years old.I hope you will give my the best way.Thanks.


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  • I’m sorry to inform you but it is your genetics…nothing can make you grow taller than what your body is pre-programmed to grow. You can keep yourself from stunting your growth, however, by staying away from drugs and alcohol, eating right, and exercising.

    There are things that an ADULT can choose to undergo to make him taller, (surgery) but they are never recommended and…plus…a 13 year old boy will grow taller as he hits puberty…most 13 year old boys are short…

  • If you see yourself “short” by culture standards and actually bothering you then you’ll need a modify, an alteration that you will find here, .

    Grow Taller 4 Idiots is an incredible book that you can help you grow taller by releasing the HGH hormone, no matter how old you are.

    The HGH, the Human Growth Hormone is a hormone that can you will find normally in the human body. Guys and girls who are youngsters have a greater amount of HGH in their bodies as compared to older people. As you grow up, the quantity of HGH starts to drop rapidly.

    HGH is responsible for height grow, building muscles and also fat loss and this book can teach you how to complete to release it in your body.

  • Height is a genetic character and is dependent on many genes. The height you end up will be dependent on the genetic ‘score’ of all the genes combined. However these types of character also depend on environment and in this case diet is important. A good diet containing a good mixture of protein, fruits and vegetables and not too much junk helps the body to function properly and grow correctly.

  • 1

    Source(s): Ways to Build Muscle

  • Grow Taller For Idiots Program –

  • If you are unusually short doctors can improve your growth through injections of HGH. But this should only be done under the supervision of a doctor. There can be dangerous side affects from growth hormones.

    It certainly does matter what your genetic are, you do inherit your maximum height from your parents.

  • While it is mostly genetics, diet can impact height. Classically the Japanese have had a diet that did not include much beef (the amount of land needed to grow crops to feed cows, just wasn’t available, etc.). It became popular to emulate 1950’s U.S., including poodle skits, leather jackets, malt shops, and … hamburgers. Consumption of beef increased dramatically, and so did height.

    Update – someone is recommending you eat more fish. Uh, that’s what the Japanese were eating. They started eating more beef and less fish and the average height increased.

  • baha i dont believe its genetics. I know many people who are rather small and have very tall children. Ohm… you can get shots though that make you grow taller =] Just ask the doctor at your next appointment and they’ll give you a shot filled with hormones that make you spring up like a weed

  • Eat really healthy & learn about visualization. I am only 4’11” but my son is 6′ tall. His father is 5’6″ so he is much taller that we are. I always feed him well when he was a baby so he started out tall. So I didn’t know if that would make him tall. So try it & if it works great & if it doesn’t you will feel good cause healthy food makes you feel good.

  • it has everything to do with genetics. the only thing that helps people become taller is eating right. i know alot of viet people whos parents not much taller than 5 feet but there kids grow 6 inches taller than they do. thats the only case that has people being taller just and thats just because they eat better and alot of food here has growth hormones in them.

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