Are most hunters retarded, or just the ones who uses dogs?….

The guy sends his dog 1’s of meters into the woods by itself to track a moose, and it gets killed by a wolf. Now either he did not know that the forest he was hunting in was wolf territory, or he knowingly let his dog wander around on it’s own. What the hell is up with this? A hunter of all people should know if there are any wolves in the woods where he is hunting!

Btw I obviously don’t think that many hunters are stupid, I’m just very aggravated about this.

So basically the question is, what could be the reason for this dogs death?


80% of all wolf attacks on dogs occur when hunters bring their dogs with them into the woods to track prey… I just don’t get it

Update 2:

Yeah I read alot of those stories to. I know that they get excited since most of them wait for hours, but seriously pay attention…

Update 3:

Chase you’re either trolling or have no clue of what this is about, either way, if you want to rant about liberals I suggest you go somewhere else rather than doing it in the hunting section.

Update 4:

Jake I don’t hate hunters because of this, already stated it in the lower section of my original question info.


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  • I’m here for the trolling.


  • im going to assume you have never spent any time around hunting dogs. so here is some perspective from someone who has spent his entire life around them. so you found one sad story about a dog that got attacked by wolves. how often do you think that happens? how many times do you think dogs successfully track game for their hunters and everyone goes home happy? what about a hunter that gets attacked by a bear or a mountain lion? are all hunters retarded because one gets attacked by a bear? a few years ago in nebraska, about 3 bird dogs died of heat exhaustion because it was 85 degrees on opening day and none of the dogs were conditioned to run in weather like that. so is everyone who lets their dog outside on a warm day a retard? my cousin fell down a flight of stairs and broke his back, is everyone who lets their cousin climb stairs a retard?

    you might not hate hunters, but you sure arent one either.

  • do you know anything about hunting?

    In thick forested areas it is standard practice for the hunter to send out a single dog to locate game, and then either alert the hunter through barking or through some other method. This is done because dogs can cover ground much faster than humans.

    The “central European” way is to have a pack of hounds out chasing the game animals. In Sweden, Norway, and Finland a lone ‘spitz’ type dog is used. This type of hunting is very ancient. Dog breeds have been developed to do this kind of hunting in some cases thousands of years ago. In addition to the nordic countries, this kind of hunting is practiced in Japan and the northern stretch of Asia.

    When you condemn this type of hunting and declare those who practice it are retards, you are condemning entire ethnic groups.

    You are a bigot and a racist.

  • Loosing a dog can be a painful experience for a hunter, but you arent going to keep your dog chained because it could get hit by a car. Go troll somewhere else with your other liberal democrats.

    Source(s): Before you ask a question like that, think of what wour saying, “Are most hunters retarded, or just the ones who uses dogs?”.

  • NO hunter likes it when that happens, in fact some hunters love their dogs like children and when they loose one its like loosing a part of the family. But at the same time you cant own hunting dogs and leave them penned up because your afraid of loosing one, Its just one of those things you deal with.

    would you buy a new minivan just to park it in your garage because you were afraid of it getting wrecked? No you wouldnt.…

    Some states, including mine, have set up both laws to allow us to “manage” the wolf population but as well as if you are running a tracking hound they can not bay/howl/bark or make any other noises for longer than 10 minutes and it is recomended that you dont leave them alone for more than 15-20 minutes.

    Source(s): It really pisses me off that people like you cant grow up. Shit happens, while no one wants it to happen its a risk that one must take. Even if the hunter was dumb enough to track a moose (bear or mountain lion would be what i would have tracked) hes no dumber than you are.

  • I do not endorse nor to I care for people who do stupid things in the woods and call themselves “hunters”. Please do not categorize honest, responsible hunters like this just because of a few bad eggs.

    Edit: You may not have meant to insult anyone; but stating “Are most hunters retarded” isn’t going to help your argument.

  • Its not the guys fault if a wolf attacks his dog. Im not going to keep my dog on a chain because he could get hit by a car. So what this guy did was fine. You stupid liberals………..

    EdIt i cant read that jibberish.

    And im no troll im a regular here and based on your question your a troll who wants to get in an argument or you wouldnt say “Are most hunters retarded, or just the ones who uses dogs?” thats just asking to get in a fight


  • You were right the first time.* All of us Hunters are Joyfully, Happily Retarded individuals.* What is your problem?

    Source(s): * Run like a Deer.*…………………..Fly like an Eagle.*~~

  • It’s just a damn dog, settle down.

    Hunting dogs are used for hunting. Accidents can happen. I like dogs, but babying is for babies.

  • I know a doctor who is a complete idiot. not matter what race, religion, or occupation there is bound to be smart ones and dumb ones

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