are there any innocent girls out there?

i feel a little in-masculine asking this, but why not. i’ve learned alot about myself these past few months and all i get from girls i go out with is “wow that is cute of you” “jeez, you are innocent”. yes i try to take them as compliments, but i just feel like i’m such a i don’t know nicey nice guy or something. i mean i have never done drugs, i try not to sleep around, i am a huge nerd about cheesy lame things, and it sucks. everyone else is out doing all this stuff and i just feel too innocent, for a lack of a better word. but at the same time, i know i could go do all that stuff, but it just doesn’t appeal to me.

my question is are there any good innocent nice girls out there, so that i will ever meet someone? no offense to the other girls, i mean i love having anyone as a friend, but i just know i’m looking hard for a nice girl and one just doesnt seem to exist anymore. do they? it just seems like every girl changes during college and it breaks my heart. i just need to some hope. thank you.

im 21.


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  • no! they are no innocent girls, they are heartless devils who rip and play with your soul. on the other hand, i love women. haha

  • I hear you! I’m female and 20 and a virgin by choice. I also don’t hook up with random guys. Sure, I’ve kissed a few but not that many, and nothing more than making out. I want to save the rest of that stuff for someone special. I don’t quite want a boyfriend yet and when I do I would rather (hopefully) get it right. I don’t want to date around for the sake of it. I just want to be in a committed relationship with the right person for me! 🙂

    There are all different kinds of people in the world. You’ll find the right girl. =)

  • let me start over, you aren’t a bad person, you are an introvert, the best thing to do is not get depressed, hopeless or guilty about being the way you are even if it is sweet.

    Find a hobby to indulge in like music such as singing or playing instruments or something of your interest and make it your passion until you find the girl of your dreams.

    Take your mind from dating for a while and focus on learning new skills and techniques for fun and flattering other people.

    Do things to build your confidence.

    There are different qualities to being an introvert or quiet and being shy is the worst while having confidence is the best, I see potential in you because you haven’t peaked yet, the best thing to do is be active and look for stuff to keep yourself busy and try to have as much fun as possible.

    Live & enjoy life.

  • Everyone has tried things, technically, no one is innocent. But most people do actually have a heart. And maybe, if most guys didn’t fall so hard for porn and such things, then girls wouldn’t feel like thats all guys want. And, yes, there is still hope- for everyone.

  • Why should you feel so bad about liking what you like.

    Innocence is not a bad quality, it allows you to see the good in situations.

    What you lack is confidence, in my experience confidence is much sexier than looks and stuff.

    Also when the girls grow up a bit and realise what they really want is a good confident guy, then you’ll be right there.

    OR you can go for an older woman who already sees what she wants.

  • i know exactly what you mean. i’m also 21, and my friends aren’t mean about the fact that i’ve never tried drugs or smoking or sex or anything, really, but they’re sort of… condescending. it irks me when they say it’s cute or sweet or whatever. and, yeah, i often feel like i’ll never meet a guy who is, to use your word, ‘innocent’. but i wouldn’t give up. though most of my girlfriends are not innocent, some of them are, and girls like that are around, hoping for a guy like you. you have lots of time, yet. i hope you find someone.

  • YES! 🙂

    Trust me am a nice girl, i consider my self a geek lol am 19

    am in college, and that is not gonna change who I am, am all about being succesful in the future an family oriented and i have a very strong faith 🙂

    ive never done drugs I dont smoke and stuff…

    Yeah ive notice most girls my age have pretty much messed up! idk….

    I think society has teached girls to be wild and stuff….but I dont follow what society says….I am who I wanna be…and am not about to screw my life up 🙂

  • im in same position but in high school and most of the girls there are big time WHORES i just wanna find some girl that is nice and with a good record

  • Definitely! They are around, you just haven’t found them yet. I promise! I

    Unfortunately some people go to college/universities just to get that “experience”. So maybe try to look elsewhere?

  • yes there are but there under cover freaks or very godly and want give yu any until marraige so id say yes just keep lookin youll find her

  • We just have to hang in there and have faith that the right beautiful, intelligent, and faithful girl will come along.

    Good luck to us both, dude!

    Dibbs on Alicia (or someone like her)… LOL!

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