baby not moving at 23 weeks?

I am almost 23 weeks and I have not felt my baby move yet. Sometimes I feel little twitches in my stomach but its not very often and doesn’t feel like a baby at all. My doctor said I would feel her by 20 weeks, but I haven’t and I am almost 23 weeks. Is this okay? Is there anything I can do to make her move?


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  • Sometimes, it can be difficult to feel the baby move. The baby’s movements at this stage in pregnancy can often be mistaken for gas. It feels like a butterfly fluttering sensation in your uterus area. However, you will want to mention this to your doctor. Your doctor will probably want to run a doppler over your belly and/or do an ultrasound to make sure the baby is okay. Women usually feel their babies move for the first time between 16 and 22 weeks. Since you are past the 22 week mark, it’s definitely something you should consult your doctor with. It may not be anything major, but it’s not worth the risk to just let it go. Good luck.

  • You are feeling your baby move. That’s what the little twitches are. Don’t expect it to feel the same as holding a kicking baby. As you get further along the movements will get stronger and more defined. Also, some babies just aren’t as active as others. My daughter didn’t move nearly as much as my cousin did. My Aunt and I gave birth within a week of each other. Everyone could feel her baby kicking all the time while mine only did it a lot in the evening.

    As long as the doctor says the baby is fine and you are seeing movement and getting a good heartbeat at your appointments, you should be fine. Once you get further along and the movements get bigger, you should do regular kick counts (ask your doctor for specifics).

    You can drink cold juice and then lie down on your left side for a half hour. If anything is going to get her to move, this will. Good luck.

  • i’m 25 weeks and it still doesn’t feel like a baby when she kicks! i started really feelin her move at 23 weeks! but it wasn’t often..and it wasn’t hard hits or anything! the baby is still so tiny and has a lot of room in your uterus to flip and tumble and just do whatever it wants! it worried me too when i’d feel her and then she was gone for a day and then she was those little twitches are your as long as you feel it every once in a while it’s all ok..and so far there’s nothin i’ve found that can make them move except like loud noise. and that still don’t phase her if it gets to worryin you too much call your dr. or you can do what i a doppler..or even rent one! they’re not expensive and you can check your babies heartbeat whenever you eases the stress of wonderin if it’s ok in there. i hope i helped. congratulations, and good luck with your pregnancy!

    Source(s): 25 weeks wit my first

  • You can eat something sweet or cold, that usually works.

    I would not worry too much. I felt my baby twitch around 23 weeks, I didn’t really feel him/her move till the next week. I was sure that the twitches were a baby then. sometimes it is hard to tell, believe me though, soon you will be begging for the little light twitches again.

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  • The baby could be moving while you are walking around or being busy and your just not noticing it or the baby is just laying in a position to where they are kicking inward instead of outward …. plus some women cant feel baby movements until around 25 weeks or so… the little twitches you are feeling very well could be your baby….. It might help to drink some orange juice and lay on your left side that might help…. good luck!!!

  • Don’t stress about it. If you are really worried about the baby, then go see your doctor and demand and ultrasound.

    Also, just keep your hand on your tummy as long as possible to see what all you can feel, ‘any’ movements.

    If this is your first baby, you probably just haven’t noticed her move yet. Some people notice things more than others do.

    But just relax and don’t stress. See your doctor if you are really worried about it.

  • I would call your Dr’s. office and tell them. But, first try drinking some juice or a banana then check. I didn’t feel my baby move until I was 23 weeks.

  • If this is your first baby this is normal. Alot of women don’t realise that its their baby they can feel, the twitching could be your baby.. If you are concerned you and get another ultrasound to be sure the baby is ok.

  • If your a first time mother you might not feel the movement until 24 weeks. Each women is different. If your doctor isn’t worried, I think you should be fine.

  • ‘Most’ woman feel baby around 20 weeks but not all. It all depends on your babies position that you may not be feeling him/her. You can always call your doc office and go in for a quick heartbeat check if your concerned.

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