Best product to get rid of coarse female chin hair?

So I have a large amount of upper lip and chin hair and I made the mistake of shaving it so that the lip hair came back very dark and noticeable and the chin hair spread from like my chin to the lower part of my chin and to parts of my neck, so I have to shave it every day just to go out in public, but it always irritates my skin.
I can’t wax it, I’ve tried and I don’t know if the hair is just too thick and coarse but waxing doesn’t pull it out and it irritates my face really badly, I turn red for most of the day and still have the hair there.

There is way too much of it to tweeze, but I tweeze my upper lip which takes forever and it’s painful.

I can’t even come close to being able to afford laser hair removal so don’t even mention it.
I’ve tried a few creams and stuff but the ones I tried didn’t work for the coarse hair at all.

So I need something that will help me get rid of coarse facial hair and mostly chin hair without shaving or getting laser removal. If it stopped coming back so dark and coarse looking it wouldn’t be so bad, but I have dark hair to start off with so when I shave it comes back black and stubbly. Help!

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? Best Answer

  • Several different approaches:

    Combination of tweezing and shaving (tweeze the worst ones, shave the rest). This is what I do.

    Try a cream again (one made for faces) and leave it on longer. Rub just a small portion of it off and check to see if it has done the job yet. Once, I bought a facial hair remover that was made specifically for black men and it worked better than most. It didn’t irritate my skin either. Can’t remember what it was called though.

    Bleach the facial hair.

    Good luck! I know, it’s frustrating.

  • Hard wax called Brazilian that u microwave. Heat and apply ice to cool and pull gets all hair n lasts over a week

    Also an epilator which is like a machine of a tin of tweezers can buy one for $30 or more walmart or any store

    I have pcos. Same problem

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