Can a 23 year old guy living alone look after a kitten?

I live alone in a 3 bedroom house, I don’t leave the house much apart from the gym, going to work and the occasional shop, most of the time I stay at home, read, watch movies, listen to music, play guitar, sketch etc. I have been quite depressed but don’t like meeting new people, I’m quite awkward around new people so I prefer talking to a few close friends doing my own thing etc. but I do get very lonely though

My auntie was suggesting I get a kitten and raise it which I would be happy to do, but it would be kept indoors as I live in a dangerous neighbourhood, many cats out and about, cars etc. I live in Scotland and its quite peaceful. Would a kitten/cat be happy to stay indoors as long as it gets played with, looked after etc? I will be buying toys, beds, scratching posts etc and its quite quiet here, I don’t really have people over and make that much noise

I used to have rats which I enjoyed but they didn’t really bond well with me and they began to feel like looking after fish, after a while I gave them away as I didn’t get any kind of real satisfaction looking after them. But getting a cat for me feels better, especially if I raised it from an early age.

Do you think this is a good idea? I’m prepared to spend money, insurance, take to vet if required etc. Can anyone give me any tips? Also would it be best for me to get a male or a female?

Thanks for any help, it will be greatly appreciated


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  • yes, i think it’s a great idea! cats are great companions and are very loving! i have 5 cats, which we raised all from kittens except for one who was a rescue from an abusive family. he/she will be fine staying inside if she/he gets played with and has toys and other stuff to play with when you don’t play with it. but make sure where you get it from doesn’t let them outside, because if they have been outside before a couple times, then they are more likely to sit at your door and meow until you let them out. and i would suggest a male cat, but it depends on what you are looking for. if you want a really friendly and more willing to cuddle cat, then get a male. but if you want a more independent and frisky cat get a female. not that either one can’t be either way, but in my experience the male cats are much more nice and sweet. but both are very playful and caring! also, you might want to get 2 cats. cats like to have other playmates other than you. but make sure you don’t get 2 males because they could become territorial over the house. so you should get 2 females, or one male and one female. but if you get 1 male and 1 female get them spayed and neutered once they are old enough, unless you want kittens. even if they are from the same litter, they will still have some ‘fun’ and you will end up with kittens.

    i hope you enjoy your new cat or cats!

    hope i helped,


  • Do you like dogs? They are better company and I think it would suit you better.

    But cats can be too and take less looking after. I would definitely recommend a male cat as they tend to be more affectionate and homely than females.

    If you think you might want more than one get them together so that they bond and one doesn’t feel like the other(s) is invading It’s home. If your just getting the one then it will need lots to do like scratching posts and toys and I can’t recommend Felliway (I might have spelt that wrong) enough for when it first moves in. You can get it as a plug in thingy like airwick or spray. It’s not cheap but it will make your new cat feel right at home. Obviously getting it neutered is highly recommended, as it will stop it spraying in your house amongst other things.

    Finally I would also recommend a rescue kitten as they are very grateful and loving.

    If you do decide to go with a dog I’d recommend a female.

    If you have a vet near by pop in and have a chat with them, they’ll be more than happy to offer advice and give you an idea of how much it would cost to keep.

    Hope this helps and enjoy your new friend!

    Source(s): Experience

  • Yes a kitten or young adult spayed/neutered cat would be a great addition for you. In the USA, most people keep cats inside all the time. My cats are quite happy 1% inside as they have plenty of play room and treehouses to climb and play on.

    I suggest you get a tall treehouse with lots of shelves, etc. (5-6 feet tall would be good). And if you get the interactive toys (ones on a sting/rod) you can entertain the kitten. You may also want to adopt 2 kittens if they are under 6 months old – 2 is more entertaining and they will keep each other company when you are out.

    I’m sure the RSPCA will have what you like – just be sure the kitten is desexed early. I prefer males to females as they are more outgoing and accepting to new things.

  • Your home would be a happy one for a kitten. Or, let me suggest — two kittens, from the same litter. That way they would not get lonely when you are at work (and lonely kittens tend to get into mischief!) Plus, I have had several pairs of littermates over the years, and that seems to be a relationship that means “BFF” as the kids say today (in case they don’t in your area, it means “best friends forever.” If you haven’t had a cat before, take a look at It has information on all kinds of kitten/cat topics, and you can ask Dear Tabby herself a question or two, if you wish.

    Here’s to a happy time for you and your new friend(s). Good luck, and I’m sure you will have it.

  • It might be worth looking for a young adult in a cat rescue centre. If you are lucky, you will find one which has been brought up as indoor only. There isn’t anything wrong with getting a kitten, but I don’t think that they should be left for too long on their own. A young adult will be used to it and less chance of getting up to mischief while you are at work, plus they are house trained. I am on my own and got adopted by a cat. I hadn’t had any experience of them before she pitched up and moved herself in. I must say, I wouldn’t be without one now. She makes me laugh a lot and although she isn’t very affectionate, I love the times when she purrs and snuggles up to me at night. She keeps me company and I must admit I feel like I am going a bit mad sometimes with the conversations I have with her! Mine came to me at the worst time of my life and she has really helped me keep sane. It does take a while to get used to them and their demands, but once you do, you get hooked. I don’t know whether a male or female is best as I have only ever had the one female. I spend most of my time at home too when not working. The only other thing you have to consider is what to do with it when you go away. I use a cattery as my cat is quite unsociable and hides from anyone unless I am around.

    I would get yourself a cat. You won’t regret it.

  • I’d have to say yes. This would be a great idea, as you seem to have time, and need a companion. In my eyes, animals are the best to have around at times. Not only that, but you are committed to keeping it healthy and happy.

    Keeping cats inside is okay, so long as it is somewhat spacious and contains a lot of toys and beds, but you already plan for that, so you’re fine there. Judging by the sound of your neighborhood, do NOT let it out no matter what. I’ve had a LOT of cats throughout my life, and let me tell you, some insiders will attempt to escape.

    I’m sure you know this, but let me explain how drastic it is at times. My kitten is 1 year old, I got him at 2 weeks. Since I got him he has been VERY energetic and playful, to the point where you can RARELY pet him without his chewing on your hand. He will sometimes try to chew on cords, and even on the corner of my (covered) laptop.

    If I had any tips, it would be to play with it a lot. They don’t have THAT much space indoors, and even with toys, I think it may get boring at times, without being able to explore outside. Don’t let this stop you from getting one, rather make sure that it does not always get bored stuck inside. Crumple up paper and toss it around, they love chasing balled up paper, believe me. With small ‘toys’ like that and the toys you mentioned, your cat will be plenty happy. Also, try not to overfeed it.

    Best of luck, I hope you have fun with your new pet when or if you get him. 🙂

    Edit: Totally forgot about this, but get it neutered and desexed too. Obviously get him any medical attention he needs, but you already planned on this by the looks of it. And I’d suggest female, but that’s probably because my last male cat who was what I’d consider a best friend died of urinary track infection.

  • I think a cat would be a great companion for you, and will live quite happily indoors, as long as you care for it’s toilet needs in a fast and clean manner. There are some really good cat litter products on the market, so it should not cause a problem. Definitely get him/her neutered as soon as possible, because an un-neutered cat will always want to escape, to fulfill their natural urges. I hope you enjoy your cat. Have you thought about speaking to the Cats Protection League, they will have lots of young cats that need a kind loving home.

  • A kitten not a good idea. Your not one for any serious commitment, and an animal cat or dog is a full time commitment. Not good for a single person to be involved with.

    All right for more than one person in the house, and the cat wouldn’t get lonely and withdrawn. I’ve no doubt you will spend money and lavish attention on the cat, but can you do this on a long term basis, I think not.

    The novelty would soon wear off, and what about the cat, give to an animal shelter when bored?


  • You would be fine looking after a kitten, it is best to have two so they can play together, not get lonely.

    I have 2 house cat’s, and my sister-in-law has 3 house cat’s. If you get tom cat’s make sure you have them done, otherwise they will be spraying everywhere. As long as they have food,water, toy’s/scratching post and litter tray, they will be ok.

  • Kitten or a puppy. Either works.

    Most people keep their pets indoors all the time.

    Don’t get hung up on the age of the cat, we’ve adopted adults, even former street cats, who were absolutely fantastic. Gender doesn’t matter either.

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