Can a barely two year old understand time?

I asked my son if he was ready to take his nap and he said, “No, five. Five O’Clock.” Does the really understand it’s three and that he wants to take his nap in two hours?


✅ Answers

  • I think my two-year-old understands clock time in that it’s parts of the day, and even then, in an abstract manner. He does, however, understand routine– Breakfast, play (or if he comes with my husband and/or me to take our five-year-old to school, then to school and run errands or play in the church yard), lunch (or, home and then lunch), books, Mommy Milk (he breastfeeds before his nap) and nap. (Then more play, dinner, play if there is time and then bedtime.)

    He hears my husband, our daughter and me talk about clock time, but he doesn’t grasp it. My daughter didn’t really start to comprehend and utilize it until late last calendar year when her class started to talk about it more in preschool.

    I agree that your son is trying to stall and protest his nap.

  • No but it seems he wants to have a conversation about it and that he sort of understands there’s a such thing as different times. Maybe wants to avoid a nap.


  • little kids want you to think they know how to tell time, but they really don’t. I have two seven year old cousins, and they still don’t understand time and clocks, or how long and hour or minute is. Wait until he’s in second or third grade, and then ask him again.

    Source(s): personal life

  • Nah. He knows by experience and context that five o’clock isn’t “now” and he understands stalling, but that’s about as deep as that goes.


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