Can a woman conceive while on her period?

My girlfriend nearly begs me to be with her without protection during her periods because she is convinced that she can’t get pregnant or conceive while she is having it. I am trying to tell her otherwise but can’t find any material that I can use that would effectively “prove” it to her. Can you give me some help? thanks.


✅ Answers

  • I got this from someone els

    The best time to conceive is when you’re ovulating. Women usually ovulate 10-16 days from the 1st. day of their last period. Some say 14 days before you expect your next period to be due. There are lots of thing you can do to help you figure out when you ovulate and when your fertile window is.

    You can google ovulation calculators. All you do is put in the 1st. day of your last period and the length of your cycle, and they can estimate for you when your fertile and when you may ovulate. You can also buy over the counter ovulation predictor kits. If you monitor your cervical mucus, when it starts to resemble egg whites, you are most likely fertile. That’s considered friendly cervical mucus, and it’s much more friendly for sperm to live in. You can also but a basal body thermometer, and chart your bbt. Look on on how to do so.

    When you do figure out when your fertile window is, it’s recommended to have sex the few days prior to ovulation, as sperm can live in our bodies for 3-5 days. It’s also recommended to have sex every other day throughout your entire cycle. Or every two days. It gives your man time to build up his sperm.

  • You don’t have to prove her own biology to her. Or to yourself for that matter.

    The issue here is do you want to risk a pregnancy? If the answer is no, that you are not ready to be a father, then the solution is simple. You tell her you are not ready to be a father at this time and you are not going to risk it, no matter what. Then be responsible and put that condom on. If she can’t respect that, then maybe she’s not the one for you.

  • Yes, because even though she doesn’t have a fertile egg “in play” while she’s on her period, if you have unprotected sex during that time, your sperm can survive up to like a week inside her and she could potentially ovulate within that window.


  • It isn’t very likely, but she definitely can. There are still eggs inside of her while she’s on her period that the sperm could reach and she could definitely conceive.


  • you can get pregnant at ANY time. There is no unlikely time, no impossible time and no for sure time … if you are having sex you can get pregnant. period.



    Yes you can get pregnant on a period. The likelihood, however, is slim.

  • You can but slim to none

  • Its very very Unlikely…


  • she can but its unlikely


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