Can someone please explain string theory to me?

But no big words 🙂


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  • Ok i will try.

    Objects you see are made of molecules (which are small).

    These molecules are made up of atoms (which are tiny)

    Atoms are med up of subatomic particles (which are very tiny)

    Now scientist wanted to know what makes subatomic particles, what they found is they are made up of vibrating super strings.

    Just as you get different notes on a stringed instrument, different subatomic particles are made up of different vibrations of a super string. So each particle is like a different note played on a string. So these strings make up everything.

    Now these strings are very very thin, so thin in fact we don’t have an ability to see them with current technology, thus are theoretical.

    The maths behind string theory (there are actually 5 theories collectively known as M-Theory) works at explaining the problem of connecting different branches of physics (like Relativity and Quantum).

    This is why string theory is so cool. Since it will explain a lot and seems to work in theory. However we are yet to test it due to the limits of technology. Thus do not yet know which of the 5 mathematical models is correct.


  • “If it can’t be expressed in figures, it is not science; it is opinion” (Robert A Heinlein) There isn’t a religious text in the entire world that describes the gas laws in terms of equations or figures, not even in the simplified form PV = nRT. Never mind about string theory. Claims that the Quran, the Bible or any other religious text contain scientific truths are utterly false and have been invented to delude the faithful.

  • I highly recommend a video called The Elegant Universe. It is available on Youtube. FuriousBlue recommended this to me a long time ago and I enjoyed it immensely. It explains string theory to you in a way you can easily understand.

  • Aha!! You’re one of *those* atheists!! One of those that doesn’t know how to answer all the science questions that are posted in R&S!! One of the few atheists that doesn’t have a clue what string theory or big bang or second law of thermodynamics even means!!!

    Yeah, me too 🙂

    *runs off to find that little video that Linz talks about*

    Ghod, i hope it’s not too long….

  • No I wont, the only strings you need to know about are the ones that hold your Jamis up now off to bed like a good monster LOL

  • Just a program note folks: nyone who could “explain string theory” probably woulnd’t be wasting their time on YA R&S

    **Looks around… OH Crap, I’m in Physics***

    Source(s): sneaks off to watch the video

  • The links below will do a better job of explaining than me. Hope this helps. Part 1… Part 2 Part 3… Part 4

    String theory in just 2 minutes, lol.…

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