Can water expire?


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  • If this question is asked because of the date seen on a bottle, the date is more used for rotation of older stock in stores. The seal on the bottle will keep if not damaged by an outside source. So, the water is still safe to drink after an expiry date.

  • Can Water Expire


  • Water never expires. It is a simple molocule (two hydrogens and an oxygen) and is petty inert. Things in the water can go bad so if the water isn’t pure it can go bad or things can get into it. If you are talking about bottled water it will last longer then the bottle it’s packaged in.

    But you shouldn’t be drinking bottled water anyway. Take a look at the label. It is just tap water run through a carbon filter. You can make it at home. It will be cheaper and better for the echology. What is sillier then putting water in little plastic bottles and trucking them around the world? Marketers have you by the nose. Just do follow them.

  • Bottled water has an expiration date even if the seal has not been broken. Water, left in a glass in your house, becomes contaminated with bacteria and germs from the air. When water is moving, like the ocean, it is being cleansed by force and sunlight. Stagnant water is not safe to drink.

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    Can water expire?

    Source(s): water expire:

  • I’ve seen expiration dates on bottled water. I just assumed that’s how long they could guarantee that the container would last before it started leaking air and germs in.

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    ?? Water doesn’t ‘expire’ under any circumstances. It might become bad tasting, or evaporate, but as long as there is liquid, it is still water and still drinkable unless it has absorbed some taint from its container.

  • What do you mean by expire? Water that sits in a container for any long period can develop bacteria that may or may not be harmful.

  • acutally, the water you’re drinking now might not be from the beginning of earth since plants turn water into food, and then animals turn that food back into water. but the atoms are the same atoms. water itself will not change, however stuff can get in it and grow. without renewable sources of food, however, that stuff can’t keep growing. even plants need minerals to keep growing. If its unopened bottled water, I’d say you’d be safer the longer you waited, because even if something did grow, it would starve and would not be able to infect you.

  • Water expires eventually, it grows algee, germs get in it, and if it is sitting somewhere loose, mosquitoes breed (lay eggs in it). But that’s why we have “the water cycle”. The water cycle actually recycles water to freshen it or keep it fresh.

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