Can you answer this question about Relgion from an atheist?

Christians. I would like to ask the question, “What test do Christians use to determine if their god is a myth or real?”
#############PSALM 83:18##################
My God has a Name Jehovah-which means He is the
Creator-I see His Works by Holy Spirit.


✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • The Bible says:

    (Hebrews 11:1) Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.

    So even though we don’t see Jehovah God, we have faith that he exists. But this is not the only reason. There is solid proof that Jehovah God exists. I’ll give you a few examples.

    1. Creation:
    Romans 1:20 says: “For his invisible [qualities] are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable”…………This scripture tells us that Jehovah’s qualities (for example Love) are seeing in creation in a way that there is no excuse to say that he does not exist. All of this beautiful creation could not have happened with an explosion. Our human body is created perfectly and every organ has a purpose and function. The way animals are created with their own instinct. It all has it’s purpose. Revelation (Apocalypses) 4:11 says: “You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created.”

    2. Prophecies: There were many prophecies that have been fulfilled in ancient times. But also there’s some in the Bible that are being fulfilled today:

    (2 Timothy 3:1-5) But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.

    (Matthew 24:6-7) You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that You are not terrified. For these things must take place, but the end is not yet. 7 “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.

    Also this one: (Matthew 24:14) And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses are preaching the good news of God’s Kingdom in 366 lands and have translated the Bible and our literature in more than 5 languages. The this good news are preached as mentioned in the scripture, around the world.

    These are just a few prophecies to not make the answer too long. But these are just some ways that we can determine that Jehovah God Does exist. If you would like more detailed information about this, please write me at my email or ask and local Jehovah’s Witness around your are. We will gladly love to answer your questions.
    – Chosen by Asker

  • Not doing a whole lot to shake that idiot status

  • There are many types of Christians – non-practising Christians, nominal Christians, and born again Christians.

    Anyone who is not born again is not saved and therefore doesn’t know their God personally or have a personal relationship with Him.

    Whereas, repentant, water baptized by full immersion, born again, Spirit-filled Christians are already saved, have a personal relationship with their Lord on a moment by moment basis and are part of God’s family having been adopted in as true children. We have God’s Holy Spirit living on the inside of us for we have received Him as a gift (Acts 2:38) – as God gives His Spirit to those who obey Him (Acts 5:32).

    Therefore, we have the Spirit Himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God and heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him that we may also be glorified together (Romans 8: 15 – 17).

    So you see we don’t need to do a test as you call it. We pray, God answers – that’s test enough for us in conjunction with the inner witness of the Holy Spirit I have told you about also from Romans 8:15 – 17.

    If you are not sure whether or not you are saved, e-mail me and I will explain how you can be saved and born again and have the assurance of your salvation.

  • atheist = someone that doesn’t believe there is any God

    then you claim this atheist states my god has a name ?

    sorry question makes no sense

  • If I was answering that atheist, I would gently point out that it is not we who test God – it’s God who tests us.

    If God is God, then He is supreme in all the universe (having created it) and we are His creatures, the work of His hands. That has to be the starting point for trying to come before God. Clearly, an atheist is not going to be able to do that if they have formed the conclusion that there is no creator God. This means the atheist is unable to even start finding out if God is real.

    However, they might learn from former atheists like C.S. Lewis, or read books written by other ex-atheists, like “The Case Against Christ” by John Young. He acts as “the defence” in a court case and presents evidence against many claims, such as “Science has Disproved Religion”, “Christianity and Science” “You Can’t Believe the Bible Today” “Why Does God Allow Suffering” “The Da Vinci Code” and many other matters. Also, “Lord Help My Unbelief”.
    It’s available as an e-book and as Kindle.…

    Another book by a former atheist who converted to Christianity trying to write to disprove it:
    Frank Morrison – in 1920 he wrote “Who Moved The Stone?” He began by taking all the supernatural out of the account of Jesus’ resurrection, looking at it purely ‘naturally’. The sheer weight of evidence that piled up showing Jesus DID rise from the dead, supernaturally, brought him to faith in Christ because there was no other way the evidence made sense.

    Atheists would do well to check out why former atheists became Christians.

  • Try and put your arms around The 1 year old tree Climb up on a horse And let it run full speed Take a look down at the world from 30, 0 feet On your next flight Watch a flock of birds Against the morning sun Close your eyes and listen To the river run Catch a firefly in your hand Or a raindrop on your tongue Plant a seed and see What comes out of the ground Find the heartbeat on your baby’s ultrasound In a few years hear it laughing, And don’t it sound like a song? Stop and think about
    What you don’t understand Things like life and love And how the world began Hear the doctor say he can’t explain it, But the cancer is gone Science says it’s all just circumstance Like this whole worlds just an accident But if you want to shoot that theory down, Look around There is a God How much proof do you need?

  • For one, the authenticity of the Bible, which has been proven to be far more authentic than any other historical document.

    Also, the indwelling Holy Spirit testifies to my spirit the truth of God.

  • Ok! This is how I proceed. I show that the god of the Bible is non-existent because the cosmos he supposedly created is non-existent.

    According to Ecclesiastes 1:5 the sun actually goes (hasteth) around the earth–as, of course, it must, since, according to Ps 93:1, Ps 96:10, and 1 Chr 16:30, the earth does not move. And the earth cannot move because, according to 1 Samuel 2:8 and Ps 75:3, it is placed on pillars. And because it is placed on pillars, it has an underside and an upper side, as confirmed by Isaiah 40:22 which indicates that the earth is a flat disk. See also Proverbs 8:27 (the Hebrew word for “compass” in the KJV is the same word used for circle in Isaiah 40:22).

    (The Hebrew word translated as “circle” in Isaiah 40:22 is chuwg, which means “circle” not “sphere.” Strong’s Concordance: “circle”…”describe a circle.” Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament: “Circle…the earth conceived as a disc, Is 40:22.” Hebrew-Aramaic and English Lexicon of the Old Testament: “draw round, make a circle.”)

    Since the biblical earth is a flat disk, it has an underside and under the earth is the abyss, the bottomless pit, which is referred to several times in the Bible (ex. Rev. 9:1,2).

    That is also what is being referred to in Job 26:7 when it says that the earth hangs over nothing. (The original Hebrew word translated as “upon” in that passage in the KJV also means “over.”) The actual sphere of the earth in space is not “suspended’ or “hanging” “over” or “upon” nothing. It is orbiting the sun at 66,7 miles per hour. If the earth can be considered” hanging” over anything, it is the sun, which certainly is NOT nothing.

    There are several other verses in the Bible indicating the earth is flat, such as Nebuchadnezzar’s vision in Dan 4:10-11 (the tree could not be seen from all the earth if it were not flat), and Dan 2:28 states that the visions of Nebuchadnezzar are from God. If the biblical god says the biblical earth is flat, it must be flat.

    The original Hebrew word translated as firmament is raqiya, which is a noun derived from the Hebrew word raqa. That word is a verb meaning “to beat out,” and is used in the bible in reference to beating out metal into plates or expanses of the metal (as in Exodus 39:3). So raqiya, as a noun, would literally mean “that which is beaten out.”

    The idea is that the firmament, or sky, is a solid, beaten out expanse or vault set on the rim of the flat disk of the earth. This understanding is confirmed in Job 37:18, which states:

    “Can you beat out the vault of the skies as he does,
    hard as a mirror of cast metal?” (New English Bible. .)

    There, the Hebrew word translated as “beat out” (or “spread out” in other versions) is, as noted above, raqa.

    That idea is also implied in verses such as Deut 4:32:

    “Ask now about the former days, long before your time, from the day God created man on the earth; ask from one end of the heavens to the other. Has anything so great as this ever happened, or has anything like it ever been heard of?” See also Ps 19:1-6, Isaiah 13:4-5, and Matt 24:31.

    The “ends of heaven” would be the base of the vault of heaven where it rests on the rim of the disk of the earth.

    Also, the stars in the biblical cosmos are just lights set in the firmament. As mere lights in the sky, they will fall to the earth in the Last Days (Matt 24:29), something that is ridiculous considering the actual stars are other suns and many times larger than the earth.

    So, according to the Bible the earth is a flat, immovable disk, supported by pillars and covered with a solid vault of heaven, the rim of which is is resting on the perimeter of the disk of the earth, and the stars are just lights set in the vault of heaven.

    That this is the correct view of the biblical cosmos is shown by the fact that it describes a structure with parts that are fully consistent with each other. That structural consistency indicates that it accurately represents the cosmos as conceived by the ancient Hebrews and as its writers incorporated that view in the Bible.

    Moreover, according to the Bible, earth is the centerpiece of creation, and in the Last Days the biblical god will destroy the earth and the heavens as part of his plan for mankind. (2 Peter 3:10)

    It is the height of geocentric idiocy to think that the whole universe was created merely for the sake of the earth and its inhabitants.

    All of which goes to show that the Bible cannot be considered the word of God, and therefore the god of the Bible does not exist.

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