Can you follow God but believe in Buddhas teachings?

I believe in The Lord but I haven’t really found my religion. I thought I was a Christian but I don’t think I am one because I don’t fully believe EVERYTHING a Christian does believe in. I do believe in the teachings or wise words of Buddha but that doesn’t mean I don’t believe in the morals of Christianity. So would you say that is okay to feel this way?


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  • Yes because man’s imagination can do much more than what man can imagine any god could do!!! It not only can imagine a god to be real it can make up thousands of them from one universe!!!

  • Who is “The Lord” to you? Is Jesus God? If you think Jesus was God, then that pretty much makes you Christian.

    There really isn’t a problem here except from the point of view of other Christians. Many think Buddhists worship Buddha. Buddhism is centered more on a philosophy and way of life than on whether you believe in a god named God or any other deities. The Buddha is seen as a teacher and they do not consider him to be supernatural. They don’t worship him.

    So yes, you can be Buddhist and believe in god(s), but Buddhism doesn’t teach about god(s). It simply is not concerned with the question of whether there is a god(s).

  • this is a very good and legiment question. and as usually u wil have answers that are not wise at all. but yes u can. budda has some good and wise teaching and so did ghandi and even islam has some good teaching. wise word can come from anyone or anywhere. just because the person isnt a christain mean that the words are not wise. no it doesnt. if buddism teach meditation as a way to relax and a way to releave stress and live a better healthier life should i not listen to that because its not taught in christanity. i think not. ppl are so hypocrital that its a shame. most of them will tell you no becuz of budda, but when something go wrong in their lives, they will run and ask advise from a friend or co work who aint saved or dont know what the inside of a church look like. king solomon said that wisdom and knowledge is everywhere. now take the wise teachings and apply that to your christain beliefs to make u a better christain. dont believe or look to budda to give u eternal life because that can only come through jesus christ.

  • Even Buddha believed in God and many of his teaching contain thoughts and principles that come from God and can be found in the Bible.

    How can you know the right way to worship God? You do not have to study and compare the teachings of all the many religions. You need only learn what the Bible really teaches about true worship. To illustrate: In many lands, there is a problem with counterfeit money. If you were given the job of picking out such false money, how would you go about it? By memorizing every kind of counterfeit? No. Your time would be better spent if you studied real money. After you knew what real money looked like, you could recognize a counterfeit. Similarly, when we learn how to identify the true religion, we can recognize those religions that are false.

    Source(s): Is There Only One True Religion?…

    See the pdf download and the article Is How Can You Recognize True Worship? on page 16.

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  • brief description of Buddhism, the word “God” does not appear. Thus when thinking about the relationship between Buddhism and Christianity or other theistic religions, there tend to be two paths of inquiry. Taking Buddhism at face value as a system of ethical precepts, a philosophy of life, and a set of meditative practices, many Christians and Jews have found it quite possible to affirm major aspects of Buddhism without abandoning their own faith. For these folks, Buddhism can be seen as supplementing and enriching their own theistic faith and practice.

    For example, Robert Kennedy is a Jesuit priest and theologian, but also a Buddhist master and leader of a Zendo or meditation center in New York City. In one of his books, Zen Gifts to Christians, Kennedy reports that many people who are interested in nurturing their spirituality have found a way forward through the study and practice of Buddhism. This is not because they wish to become Buddhists, necessarily, but because they seek a more rewarding contemplative life. Readers of this article may be interested in visiting the Morning Star Zendo website to learn more.


  • It’s OK to disagree with a religious institution: no one believes in every single thing in every institution they follow (think about political parties: most Democrats don’t believe in every single thing the Democratic party believes in, and vice versa).

    I’m a Roman Catholic Christian and I think there is a lot to learn in Buddhism. I even read a book about it–it made me feel peaceful and brought me a new perspective on the world.

    There is truth in all religions–that is WHY there are multiple religions! Buddhism is nice to read about once in a while, but I know I could definitely not be a Buddhist–it’s just not my style.

  • Which God?

    You know– a lot of people believe in a God, just not the Christian idea of God.

    So if you do not want to follow the Christian idea of God, which God do you believe in?

    No one can tell you if it’s compatible with Buddhism without knowing what you believe about the Godhead.

  • Buddhist ethics and the teachings of Christ are very much compatible. Some theorize that Jesus was actually preaching Buddhism, but I personally find that doubtful as there is no evidence. If you believe in the metaphysics of Buddhism, then there would be some conflict with Christianity. Otherwise you are fine.

  • There are many denominations of Christian. Buddha isn’t Christian, and Christian isn’t Buddha. I think you should think to yourself what parts of Cristianity you don’t beleve. Then read the Bible,that would clear things up. Buddha and God are too different to believe in both

  • Yeah, believe in whatever the hell you want. Nobody is forcing you to believe anything. And buddhist morals are a lot better than Christian ones, so what you’re doing is a smart move.

    Source(s): Certified furry!

  • Buddhas don’t believe in God…Christian morons do believe in God

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