Car title Problem. Please help?

I just bought a car on craigslist. it came with a copy of the title and bill of sales. the title was never signed over to me, but it wasnt signed over to the person who sold it to me either. Do i have to contact the original owner? Is there anyway to get the original title? I’m in NH by the way. And don’t call me a ****** retard, it was my first car purchase and i already feel like one

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • The person who sold it to you “jumped” the title, which is illegal. Contact the seller, and the original owner, and get them both to sign.
  • You and the seller did not complete a legal sale. The seller did not hold legal title, therefore could not legally sell the vehicle to you. The seller first must title and register the vehicle in his/her name before it can be sold.

  • Sorry, YOU didn’t buy a car. You were the victim of a “Title Jumping” scam. An ILLEGAL act. The person you gave money to was NOT the legal owner, so had NO right to sell the car.

    Your solution. Return the car, and GET YOUR MONEY BACK! They committed a criminal act by selling the car t you. . If they refuse to refund you money SUE them. The legal argument you will use is the “Principle of Merchantability” which means when you buy anything you have a reasonable expectation of being able to use it. Without a CLEAR title you can NEVER register the car in your own name, and therefore can”t legally use it. 1% winning argument!

    In the future NEVER, NEVER buy a vehicle if the buyer can NOT provide you with a CLEAR title. That means the seller is the EXACT person named in print on the face of the title, and that no liens ( money owed) are on the vehicle.

    PS; Craigslist is SCAM central.

    So Cal gal.

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