Could this be the paranormal speaking to me?

my fan keeps turning low, I keep thinking that it’s off? but it’s not because my alarm clock isn’t off. so could this be my mom talking to me? she died this year. febuary 13th 2013. 🙁 what do you think it is? its not a power outage because like I said the alarm is still on.


my fan isn’t on a timer. im pretty sure it wasn’t a power outage. it just happened again and it was longer this time. I feel my moms presence. it was raining but their is no thunder.


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  • She is trying to message you,

  • When it comes to considering the presence of ghosts and spirits especially when there are electronic devices involved, you do have to do a bit of investigating before concluding that something more extraordinary was involved before allowing yourself to believe that they were. At times we may encounter something and there is not a readily available answer to explain just what it was we witnessed but by exploring every possibility, it can be that we can discover just what may of caused what it was we experienced. I do personally believe in the existence of ghosts and spirits and I am sorry to hear about your mom and it is very possible that she could return to visit you in some manor but you do need to separate these instances and allow for there to be a logical explanation first. It could perhaps be that that particular model of fan has an automatic setting that reduces it’s function in such a way or that it may be a malfunction of some sort. If there are other appliances working along with this , that would be an indication that electricity is flowing properly and perhaps not a power surge as you suggested it may not be. Just do a little investigating on your own and if your mother does pay you a visit, it may be in a manor that you would be able to identify as being her. Take care.

  • It could be a shortage in the fan. It happens to my electronics sometimes. If you have your fan on a timer that could also cause it to happen. If activity increases get your house investigated.

  • it could

    is there anything u could relate to your fan with your mum?

    try to read the signs, ask for more!

    speak to her, she will always hear u

    if u feel her presence it is a strong sign

    i would try connect through evp, seems legit

    cause nothing really dies, they just change form


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  • I would say its her just showing that she’s watching over you and trying to say that she’ll always be there and that she loves you. Sounds as If she’s your guardian angel just protecting you and using small notions to get your attention so you know she is there.

  • It is quite possible thqat she is there, watching over you and protecting you as she did in life.

    Source(s): Over 70 years of life.

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