Couldn’t they come up with something else?

Earth hour to replace Good Friday and Earth day to replace Easter Sunday. Not even original.

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? Best Answer

  • of course easter doesn’t have pagan origins, you can argue it takes the same time slot of a rejected belief system’s hiatus , but that’s not the same thing..

    earth day? oh please… the earth is a big rock in the goldie locks zone of an average sized sol.. spiritual not physical..
    – Chosen by Asker

  • Do WHAT!!!
    Easter is a Christian festival to recognise the death and Resurrection of Christ and if it offends other people of other religions/atheists then tough effing luck. It has been celebrated for centuries and no PC tw*t has the right to change it for whatever airy fairy reasons they have.
    People have lived quite happily with Easter, Christmas etc for years, the same as they have lived with Jewish, Hindu and muslim religious days although they do not affect people as much as shops and businesses do not close for the day.
    I wish you had provided a link as this if it is true has made me seethe!!!

  • Does the UK not have the same calendars as the rest of the world?
    Good Friday and Easter were weeks ago.
    How, exactly, did you dream up the bizarre notion that Earth Hour & Earth Day are a replacement?
    Did you fall and bump your head recently, or what?

  • Which ” they ” are the focus here ?

    The USA weirdo “Happy Holidays” versus “Merry Christmas” Brigade ?

    Thank the mythical god for the ” Pond “.
    AKA The Atlantic Filter,which occasionally protects us from the more Uber Daft ideas from our beloved cousins.

  • Easter was a couple of weeks ago. I’ll spare you the lecture on the pagan origins of Easter, because you aren’t interested.

  • I do not want Easter replacing.

    So no thanks.

  • If you want to celebrate Earth Day, go ahead.

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