crappy diamond should i dump him?

ok so he gave me a crappy diamond that isnt even a full carat like and he expects me to be no! I told him if he cant afford to give me proper ring then how on earth does he expect to support me fot the rest of his life.. like come on! how does he expect to finance a mortgage and kids. I told him i needed to be alone for a while. Should i dump his ***?


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  • he should get rid of you … you sound like a gold digger.


  • r? You don’t deserve any ring. I have the most wonderful husband to be in my life and thankfully with owning our own corporation we are doing well. But we got engaged after 6 years because we built what we have out of nothing and we stood by each other through everything. Whether or not we ever did well we would still be together. On Valentine’s Day he gave me a big beautiful ring (I won’t mention the size as it DOES NOT MATTER) and we are now planning our future for better or worse, richer or poorer. That’s what love and marriage is. So no you shouldn’t dump him, he should dump you. I really hope you can grow out of this and be the good person I know you can be.

  • How do you look at yourself in the mirror? You don’t deserve any ring. I have the most wonderful husband to be in my life and thankfully with owning our own corporation we are doing well. But we got engaged after 6 years because we built what we have out of nothing and we stood by each other through everything. Whether or not we ever did well we would still be together. On Valentine’s Day he gave me a big beautiful ring (I won’t mention the size as it DOES NOT MATTER) and we are now planning our future for better or worse, richer or poorer. That’s what love and marriage is. So no you shouldn’t dump him, he should dump you. I really hope you can grow out of this and be the good person I know you can be.

  • Honestly luv, you need to face reality.

    So what if the ring he gave you isnt as sparkly as you would have liked?

    Atleast be happy that you’ve found a guy who loves you and gets the best he can get for you.


    And support you?

    This is the 21st century.

    Your man isnt the richest in the world – why is it all down to him to be the bread winner?

    And money isnt everything – here you are complaining about a ring, when there are millions of people DYING from hunger and disease.

    Do they complain?

    Take a long hard look in the mirror.

    Maybe you should dump him – for his sake.

  • Excuse me dear! I find it hilarious that you think he did something wrong when you’re the one who’s being so shallow, self involved and immature about the size of the ring he gave you! Obviously you place more value in things than you do in people! Get over yourself please! Grow up little girl. You’re not ready for marriage! You barely know how to be a decent human being! Quit being a self centered queen bee and appreciate that man! You shouldn’t dump him. But he should dump your *** for sure! And if you want a full carat, get a job and buy one! And with that attitude honey, you’ll be alone for longer than a while! No man in his right mind would want someone like you for a wife! Tell him to move on because he can do better! I’m so tired of women like you making the rest of us look bad! Girlfriend please. Get a reality check fast! Guys reading this, if you’re with a girl like this one, dump her fast We’re not all self centered, shallow and materialistic with nothing going on! There are good ones with good hearts out there! Should you dump him? HA! You care more about a ring than you do about your man! Get real Camille!

  • NO he should dump you being such a gold digger!! It’s about love not flippin’ diamonds. i think you need to fix you, before you go into a marriage, I bet when things don’t go your way blame him. I think he needs to find someone else that deserves this REAL diamond and that will treat him right. GROW UP AND DON’T REPRODUCE!!

    Oh and ,Like, he should so leave NOW, while you two are , LIKE separated. That man loves you and all you care about is a d*** rock?? IT’S A ROCK. A piece of DIRT that hardened over a flippin million years, and your mad that’s all he can afford??? Maybe he can’t afford your lame ***. B!tch!! Questions like this make me feel so good about me, and let me know that when me and my wonderful husband to be which proposed we get married…WITHOUT a ring, because I don’t need a ring on my hand for LOVE, get in silly fights, I know that there are men out there that would LOVE to be fighting over PB&J instead of being called a loser by the woman they SADLY want to spend the rest of their lives with because he THOUGHT that love was enough. Skank. I repeat…DO NOT REPRODUCE.

    & i bet your mad at all these answers, but you kinda did it to yourself. not everyone is a stuck up, self-centered,prissy, rude, arrogant, selfish, hatful, mean, ugly person like yourself.

  • If you’re planning on dumping him because he gave you a smaller ring than you expected then you don’t really love him.

    I personally think he deserves better than a selfish cow like yourself. Do you even have any idea how much a ring costs now a days? What if he is tight on money?

  • does the ring really matter! Really! not so long ago most people didn’t even get engagement rings and now everyone is concerned about the price! With the economy like this wouldn’t you prefer having enough money to go towards a house and car and money saved then an expensive ring that means nothing on your finger? Do love him, or money?

  • It’s not the size/cost of the ring that matters it’s the fact that he’s got you a ring. My partner proposed to me with a jelly ring from a bag of sweets, i though it was the most romantic and funniest thing he’s ever done.

    also congratulations you’ve put the Women’s Rights movement back about 50 years with the statement

    “how on earth does he expect to support me fot the rest of his life”

    Why shouldn’t you support your self or more importantly support each other.

    So I wouldn’t dump him but it depends what’s important to you.


  • I say no becaus eat least he is trying.

    But him on the other hand he should go and get him someone that isn’t so prissy and snobbish like!!

    He obviously can do better!!

    With that attitude, lady, you should be grateful he even proposed at all. Oh and I hope you enjoy it because it probably won’t happen again!! At least not from a true man that has a brain!!

    I say get off the snobbish, your-better-than-anyone attitude and realize that you have a man that is willing to at least try and make you happy. Which is obviously a hopeless cause and that is never going to happen!!


    Get over the bad attitude!!

  • Wow! It sounds like you’re incredibly materialistic, and he probably needs to dump you. If you love him, and want to be his wife, you would be SO happy and pleased that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. Maybe he wanted to know how much you really cared so he bought you something smaller to see if it was about him or the ring. Clearly, he got his answer. I feel sorry for the poor man.

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