Create a history website with advertising?

I am interested in making a history website; where I will be writing articles on all sorts of history and I will advertise it with Google Adsense. Is there any advice on this? How long will it take to get visitors to my site? Any help with starting is appreciated.


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  • Marketers will always examine the spending potential of the audience of a given site, I don’t have many thoughts as to what history readers are ready to buy, except books from Amazon for which you could collect a couple percent commission,

    Try entering high ranked history site into to learn a bit more about the demographics of that site’s visitors.

    You really need to have an identified new visitor lifetime value in mind before employing Adsense, paying one advertisement to get people to see another ad (referred to as arbitrage) is very tricky to make profitable. You will probably have to settle for the slow build process of Search Engine Optimization, providing free traffic once you site finally ranks in search results, this may require writing a couple of original, keyword targeted articles a week to make your site attractive to the search spiders.

  • You should start up a simple word press blog. Adsense automatically decides what kind of ads to serve on your site. Not only that, but the first answer may have been the silliest thing I ever read.

    People reading a history website “only buy books?”. Right.. they don’t go on vacations, or buy food or cars or anything else at all.

    All you have to do is start up a blog, write a good article every single day and participate on other blogs by posting comments. If you enjoy writing it’s fun and easy. It will take around 6 months to start getting significant traffic (enough to make some real money on Adsense). Make sure to participate in the blog community (by commenting on other blogs) and write consistently good stuff and you’ll be on your way. oh and if you need someone to help you make a blog this site does it (they made a few for me)

  • When you are making your own advertisement, you are making it through Google Adward, not Adsense.

    The traffic you generate depends on what keywords you choose your ads to be shown and how much will be your budget for making ads.

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