Did you ever have a scary experience that you can't explain ?

I love stories about strange situations . Did YOU ever have a scary experience that you can’t explain ? Are you willing to share it ? The more details you put into your answer, the better it’ll be . I don’t need any “joke” responses . Thank you in advance for your answers .


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  • I’m not gonna go into full detail, but I’ll tell you some scary **** that has happened to me.

    One night, my family was hosting a dinner party with some friends. To give the night some ambience, we had candles lit. My puppy barked and then a few seconds later all the candles blew out. I was drawing, and I put my pad and pencil down to comfort my dog. I had him on my chair with me. I had bent down to pick him up, but only for a few seconds. When I sat up again, there was the word ‘doom’ written on the pad. One of the people with us suffered an internal bleed within a week.

    I have a slight OCD at night, and everything has to be straight. I have a desk chair that you can sit on. My last thought before I fell asleep last night was: my chair’s straight, good, good.’ I woke up and the chair was facing me. It wasn’t a hallucination, I could move, sit up in bed, bite my thumb and fell the pain and I could straighten the chair (which I did). Nobody can enter my room at night, because I am a very light sleeper.

    Source(s): Myself.

  • Yes i got possessed once. Though i was aware, i could control myself

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  • many things happen which cannot be explained, but it depends how you deal with them which makes them scary or just occurrences…

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