Different races of humans?

Im not racist but are there any scientific up and downs in white black and yellow people


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  • The differences within a “Race” is greater than the differences between the races

    That basically means even if white people are superior to black people in intelligence, the average black person would still be pretty smart and many black people would be smarter than many white people, making race irrelevant (as it is better to work out each person’s intelligence”

    Take the examples of height, running speed, etc Black people are taller than Japanese people on average…however some Japanese are tall and some black people are shorter.

  • The only significant results of IQ tests studies (aside from the differences in IQ scores which is affected by education) is that East Asians have a slightly bigger brain and a higher visuo-spatial intelligence while Ashkenzi Jews are very good with math and logical thinking

    Our differences are pretty minuscule.

  • Yellow people ?!? Lmfao .

  • no

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