Do colleges basketball coaches look for good players on bad high school basketball teams ?

I will be going to a high school basketball team that is not good at all . I want to play college basketball .


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  • Yes! Briante Weber of VCU played for the B team of his AAU team and he turned out okay. College coaches are not looking for a talented team. They want good players. Being on a bad team may allow for you to gain more exposure because compared to your teammates you will be excellent.

    Source(s): I am a college assistant.

  • Hello,No is the answer but we can help you I need film first so I can get you evaluated

    My name is Reggie I’m a recruiter for athletes for college. What I do is help High School kids continue there collegiate career. We match up kids with colleges that fit the student athlete academically and athletically. We have a staff of Ex- Professional Athletes who evaluate you and put their stamp of approval on each athlete. Go to and check us out and after so contact me so me, you and your parents can set a time to talk so I can go in to more detail about us and how we are going to help you get to the next level how we can help you get a scholarship. Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon….

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  • Yes, but you would have to play for a good aau team and be good there

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