Do corporate network engineers/administrators have knowledge of DSP, optical communication, wireless comm.?

Or most engineers (how they call themselves) just passed couple of Cisco and Microsoft certifications just to get a well paid job. In my opinion if you call yourself network engineer you MUST know the above mentioned technologies, be familiar with electronics (component level), physics, mathematics as to have an understanding of networking. If you are a network engineer, tell me what do you think of it. Thank you


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  • I have a passing familiarity with DSP and optical systems.

    It’s simply not something I encounter within my position.

    Not every admin/engineer has to be familiar with everything. Not to mention, that most fiber in use by large corporations is simply backbone cabling between switches and routers. Configuration is not much different than with 10baseT. Also, the fiber optic lines coming into a datacenter are not serviced by datacenter personnel. The ISP handles that.

  • Being an Administrator myself I can say that you have to learn the systems your companies uses for every day purpose. The better you know the systems the better you can support the day to day activities. If your company decided to grow or change the networks then that another story . Yes you should understand the tech but if the company you work for is not going to buy or use you will forget it fast since your too busy trying to keep the aging equipment and systems running.

    The company I work for has Cisco Equipment and multiple T3 lines running in for the Engineers and servers here. The Cisco stuff is nearly 10 years old the 55 series switches and there is no plan to upgrade or change since they have gig switch. You will find budget controls how many new toys you get to play with.. 🙂

  • Most network engineers know particular technologies well and others not so well. This includes the engineers who create the products, not just people who configure and use the products. Engineers tend to get very focused on the particular technology they are creating and don’t have the time to keep up on all of the emerging technologies. Over time engineers gain experience with other technologies as needed to create new products.

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