Do I look terrible or what is it?

Okay, I was a t a party tonight and I saw all the goofing look dudes getting the girls. I am shy, but I always feel out of my element. Is there anything wrong with the way I look?…………


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  • Tastes vary. You have a pretentious hipster look, but some people like that. Some don’t, so apparently you were in that kind of crowd tonight.

    Find a more dipshit crowd tomorrow and you’ll probably do fine.

  • First off, you are definitely a very attractive man. Your jawline is hot! 🙂

    The scruffy look works on you. I really like your facial hair. However, you could really use a hair cut.

    Regardless, looks can only get one so far. Next time you’re at a party, don’t be afraid to push yourself a little. I’m not saying you have to goof off and be the centre of attention the entire night. Just going up to a few people, introducing yourself and having a few good conversations is perfectly fine.

    Good luck!

  • Epic facial hair man. You’re definitely not unattractive.

    However, looks by themselves will only get the girls about 5% of the time, ever. You need to step out of your comfort zone. You mentioned all the goofing dudes getting the girls, this is because they seem fun and therefore interesting. That means they’re more likely to strike up attraction because a lot of girls dig the guy who’s fun and interesting as opposed to the shy awkward guy who will get a girl or two but not to the same extent as the loud, life of the party individual.

  • not to be rude or anything but you resemble “cave man” of some sort.. cant you just shave and look like you actually care about how you look.. seriously if your single make yourself attractive so you can attract people. I can definitly see why people were going for the other guys instead of you.. “goofy” or not.

    some chicks though do dig the “Scruffy” look so i mean stay true to yourself if looking “scruffy” is your beck and call then do so.. but i can tell you, you will get more ladies if your clean shaven.

    On the positive note you have amazing eyes, great features and you have ALOT of potential.. i mean ALOT. Your hair is nice as well.. all you need to do is SHAVE.. thats it. and gain a bit more confidence.. but other then that i think you have it in the bag to be the hottest guy out there!

    and you dont even have to shave all of your facial hair off try making a goatee out of it.. i think thats hot on guys.

  • Holy ****, you’re gorgeous. I don’t know what’s wrong with those girls, but I would be all over you like white on rice. Or maybe not, cuz I’m married….

    Either way, like the guy above me said, how you act around girls is MAJOR. My husband isn’t goofy looking (actually, he’s a total freakin’ babe), but he’s out-going and sweet and thoughtful and FUNNY. You need to interact, dude. You can be Justin Timberlake, but if you’re standing on the wall with your arms crossed, no one’s gonna talk to you.

    Source(s): Trust me, I know everything.

  • wow thats surprising…ur a good looking guy. Maybe those girls aren’t your type. Some of the girls might be turned be off is that u have too much hair going on ….either keep the hair, and shave some of ur beard. or keep the beard and cut some of the hair. Other than that…i dunno. Really am stunned, that ur having a problem finding a girl. good luck

  • You don’t look terrible, buddy…

    Maybe you should be confident and be more funny..

    But if you think it’s gonna change your whole personality, then don’t do it, cause no one is worth it. I am sure you meet some fab people who will love you just the way you are..

    Hope I helped.

  • no way! dont worry, everyone has different tastes. i know girls who would be drooling over you lol

  • omfg, no. Just be more confident, etc. Seriously.

  • No way you are very attractive.

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