Do the laws of physics explain why dumb people get rich?

According to my physics book,
power = work / time.

But I’ve also heard that knowledge is power, and time is money. If I substitute in the equation I get:
knowledge = work / money.

I can rearrange to get:
money = work/knowledge.

Doesn’t this mean that people with lower knowledge will make more money, regardless of the work done?

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  • I SO love it when people answer funny questiions with serious answers—star—and thumbs ups to the folks who knew that it was a tongue-in-cheek question…I have NOT deleted you from my contacts…
    – Chosen by Asker
  • just like my supervisor when I worked at a bank – promoted because she was too incompetant to do any of the real jobs. Its also know as the pointy haried boss theory from dilbert. If you promot the incompetant and stupid, then they aren’t out there at the front of the company, meesing with customers and stuff. Dumb people get rich by doing nothing, because if we paid them to actually do something then they would screw it up.

  • The new equation implies that more work equals more money, which isn’t true.

    Eq. 2 also seems to indicate that poor people who work hard are smart.

    I think we need to come up with a new theory. Maybe we need a physics equivalent for nepotism to explain things clearly.

  • Um yeah. Have you ever seen the CEO’s of some of these Fortune 5s?(In all fairness, it’s the ones who inherited them usually) You don’t have to know jack.

  • what you are missing is that in times of inflation, recession, and depression, wealth changes hands.

  • That’s exactly what it means. Those laws of physics are always conspiring against me.

  • No more than gravity explains why people fall in love.

  • No wonder I am always broke..

  • Hey Who you calling Dumb?

    Tractors is Dumb!

  • iz maken da big mooooney. joo has no moooney cuz i roxorz nd u suxors!!!!one!!!!

  • Answer hidden due to its low rating

    Very bad use of math. Just because you heard that knowledge is power doesn’t mean that other things aren’t power. In order to substitute knowledge for power, you would have to prove a 1-1 relation of power to knowledge. Same thing with time and money. Also, your last arrangement is wrong, it would be:

    money = knowledge / work.

  • Answer hidden due to its low rating

    Not all knowledge is power. Knowledge people want has power.

    Book learning tends to have a low market value because anybody can have it, for the price of a book.

  • Answer hidden due to its low rating

    do u mean u are……. and have got rich? if like that , its amazing discovery

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