Do the women honestly think “their” safety should come before men’s safety?

Look at the TD people got on here for not agreeing that women should be treated differentl from men in time of crisis.

http://uk.answers. /question/ind…

Do you women actually think that men should give up their lives for “your” lives?

BQ – If yes, do you realize how much of a brain-dead person you are? Honest question.

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    Children are more often victims of violence than women, but the movement to stop violence against women is larger.

    I don’t understand why this got three dislikes.

    In this situation, physical strength is totally unrelated to anything. My only complaint is about the expectation of saving women, I did not suggest that I wouldn’t. (Although I definitely support the societal expectation that any adult should give their life for a child.)

  • Answerer 2

    Nope, women think no such thing. That was the societal norm during the patriarchal era, so I would say that that is was men thought. Now it is the people that still hold on to traditional values who believe such things.

    I do believe that women are typically physically weaker, and so anyone who is physically weaker should be helped, but not at the cost of the stronger person’s (men) life.

  • Answerer 3

    Despite the excuses from female chauvinists here, there are women who do think men’s lives are less important than women s. My sister is one of them which is one reason I don’t even speak to her anymore as I don’t think my life is less important just because of my gender and I have no time for feminists who complain of inequality while promoting discrimination against men which my sister does. It wasn’t that long ago men were accused by a women because they saved themselves on a sinking ship as if they had no right to live. As for Thomas, he’s a crawler and a loser of the worst type. he thinks men should just accept all the sexism and misandry thrown at us and he has the cheek to say we are losers for standing up for what we believe in and not putting women first. He’s happy to crawl and let women kick him in the face. But in fact women say they want equality so that’s what they should get ,not favouritism .and why should men come second just because we have more strength than women. Strength did not stop men freezing to death or drowning when the titanic went down and it doesn’t make us immune to bullets and bombs. If women want equality they should insist on being treated the same as men and not as something superior, and that includes going against the stupid men like Thomas who think women should always come first.

  • Answerer 4

    Of course they do. Not only do women think their safety should come before men’s but women, in general, think their feelings, comfort and egos should come before men’s safety too. Men don’t owe women anything just for being women. When they talk all of this stuff about the strong risking their lives to save the weak it is just a smokescreen. If not, why doesn’t this “rule” apply to stronger women dying to save weaker women, stronger men dying to save weaker men and stronger women dying to save weaker men?

    Most of the time, many, if not most females, think about themselves either directly or indirectly. If a woman is a stranger to you and probably goes through life only concerned about herself or doesn’t care about you anyways then when her safety is in danger, due to no fault of your own at best and due to her own fault at worst, that doesn’t translate to you owing her your life.

    Women think they can treat men any way they want to and then when those women are about to die that men should or would still be willing to save their lives. If we can’t expect women to even be decent and kind towards us then I don’t know whom women think they are to expect men to die for them. Women like to talk all that baloney but then when things become chaotic and uncontrollable they think men should do everything in their power to protect them.

    Nothing that women do justifies the idea that men should die saving them or at least trying to. Women and the men agreeing that men should die to save women can think whatever they want but when the situation arises it’s not up to them what other men do.

  • Answerer 5

    Yes they still expect men to be the role of protectors when it convenient them. Equal means equal , no dancing around it. They only pretend to like men when it benefits them any in shape or form.

    @M1 , I don’t think many women care about safety of others except themselves.They don’t even care about little kids.

    @Helena , your argument makes no sense, why would women thumbs down men for saying they would rather save kids? It isn’t about being a hero, because it’s about doing the right thing which many women are selfish, many men don’t earn medals because many of them end up dead which is selflessnes opposite of selfishness.

    @blawr, yes you are correct , child abuse is even more common than women abuse yet women all they do is cry about women abuse.

    The numbers of thumbs down prove women are inherently selfish.

    Thank you for reminding me women are greedy and selfish.

    @Thomas, real man no longer applies since many women considered themselves equal to a man but kids don’t so stop dancing around it. Your shaming tactics no longer works. You think many females care about you , the answers here prove it. They don’t even care about the safety of kids, why do you think they care about anyone else?Stop being an idiot.

  • Answerer 6

    Whose womb did you come from? A woman’s womb, a mother’s womb. She must have went through a lot of pain in delivering you! You **** thing lived in her womb for 9 months. Only to grow up like this? (animal).
    One day you will have a wife, a daughter and I am sure you will have a sister. You wouldn’t want them to get a messed up man?
    All of you, are nonsense, all of you. The people you are asking who are they even and what do they themselves know? They must be relaxing and do nothing but to decide. They probably would have got food plate from their mum.
    These people who are being or the ones like you who say a lot of bad swear words or F words must have nearly learnt to wipe their noses and wear their underwears. You said F word 3 times, please don’t.

    You are a ignorant, abusive and jealous person. You are the one who told us to be “honest”.

    When it comes to children, men though massively in India secretly abort baby girls that is cruel to mothers who are their own wives and caused “female foeticide”. We shouldn’t ignore this.
    However, it was exposed and people were educated by a respected celebrity “Amir Khan”, this is the sort of man who is meaningful and good. Although, hindu boys like you on comment page are mean and unbelievable but many widely people have praised him and a sikh man on comment page saluted him.
    It is called “Satemev Jayate” female foeticide and domestic violence episodes.

    Actually, you are right men are not stronger as human beings and even if they physically they misuse it.
    You are right women are more stronger and tolerant- evidence? well, on the show a old woman said when a man comes home tired and says “I am dead tired” then she said it is the woman who makes his dinner, bathe his feet, romance him, make his mood better and at night wonder his stressed mind from work around.
    Then in the morning, she will make his dinner, iron his clothes and polish his shoes.

    Then exactive the man will go to his work.

    All females are very tolerant. I am have been a victim of abuse as a daughter and my dad got ridiculously violent and stoned hearted. I seem happy and always laughing giggling on the outside but those sort of moment are nightmares.

    After watching that show, which was sad, shocking and peaceful at the same, I sort of feel strong and more feminine. Also, that old lady explained everything and answered all question and things that are commonly said by men.
    She also answered your questions ; Amir Khan asked some men say that “the feminists destroy homes” then she said “IF YOU VISIT A DOCTOR AND HE SAYS YOU HAVE MALARIA, THAT DOESN’T MEAN HE IS TRYING TO KILL YOU, THAT MEANS HE IS TRYING TO DO TREATMENT”.
    (though there are many greedy doctors who do unnecessary transplant and treatment)
    Also, it is the doctors who deal with the in laws to abort baby girl secretly. They use code language- Goddess for girl and God for boy!

    All some of you want is to have the chance to tell girls how to dress with the short and tight western clothes. (I hate shirts that are loose or open on the top in this case long kameez or dress up to knees is better.
    Is this what the society is like? What choice or rights do women even have if they realise that made you say ” A man had every right to live as a woman”??? everything according to fashion.
    Ok then you will get exhausted and realise if you actually live a life of a man. If you want right of woman then fine YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO GO TO THE KITCHEN AND COOK. Hehehehehehehehehehe.

    I respect Mr Jinnah (father of a nation) and his sister Fatima Jinnah- role model, big hearted and hugely
    supportive. She stayed unmarried and live by her brother’s side always in his long journey and life for 26 years. She probably made him write many quotes as an inspiration-

    For everyone- “Expect the best, prepare for the worst.”
    ― Muhammad Ali Jinnah
    45 likes in top first.

    On peace tv, a english muslim man was saying that “Prophet Muhammed said to a son that if you carried your mother on your back, still you have not fulfilled her right”!
    Mums are given the highest positions in all religions- In islam, there is heaven at mother’s feet, In hinduism, the Goddess have form of powerful mothers like Ma kaali and in Christianity there is St Mary or Hazrat Maryam in Islam.
    Why are we treating mothers badly? why female foeticide?
    Why do some people have very sexist views in different relationship involving women and why in hindi God Show or dramas girls are to be ideal by crying litres and always saying sorry?
    This is not to groups but to EVERYONE.
    I am not saying all women are good, mature or understanding or perfect like my mum or background family full of aunties and old women like grandma. They drink well’s water too. Or Mother-in-laws. Fault of patriarchy. Equality- is not defined correctly due to boys like you sadly.

  • Answerer 7

    Women want equal rights plus special treatment .I would rather save myself. I would not give my life for any women.

  • Answerer 8

    Nope. No one’s safety should be above anyone else’s, with gender being the only reason.

  • Answerer 9

    I say, I don’t care. The rest of the world is progressing, while all of you are obsessing over subjective, untrue illusions that won’t get you anywhere.

  • Answerer 10

    Men make these rules up, hate them- so blame women for it. Typical.

  • Answerer 11

    Yes. Traditionally men, being bigger and stronger, have been the protectors and risked their lives protecting their territory and their families. Women being smaller were the homemakers looking after the children and preparing food and cleaning.

  • Answerer 12

    It’s not about giving up our lives for that of a woman or child. It is about trying to help the weakest and most vulnerable in society.

    If you think that we should say, ‘Screw it, I am more powerful than that woman and that child, so I am taking the only means of escape. **** them’….then you are brain dead.

    Do you realise where society would be if we all thought like that.

    EDIT: ‘Geng, as opposed to “fuc* it, he’s a man, which means his life means less than mine for having muscles.
    Since when does being “strong” have anything to do with “death”. Are you saying that simply because men are strong that their life means less compared to a woman’s? Because that is what you are clearly saying, that in any situation where a man or woman should die, simply because men are stronger, they should die before a woman.
    ‘Who’s more vulnerable, someone that has people like you thinking their life means more, or someone that has people thinking their life means less for being strong?’

    29 minutes ago

    You are clearly an idiot. The only reason I mentioned children is because the link you posted in your own question was to a discussion about women and children first. Maybe you should have a quick read of the crap you post..

    Nobody said anything about being stronger meaning you should die first. Being stronger and less vulnerable means you should attempt to help those who aren’t. Without this basic human decency, the world would be a wasteland.

    It’s funny these women who try and go straight down the line on issues like these by saying everything is equal all the time, survival of the fittest bollocks. If we truly lived in an every man for himse3lf society, women would have far more to cry about than men seeing their lives as more valuable lol.

    Some of the retards on this site give serious cause for concern about the state of our world. I can only hope you don’t have children to destroy with your ignorance.

  • Answerer 13

    Honestly? No. Do you realize the pressure it implies? The guilt factor? Can you see the guilt factor coming at you from all sides? Don’t buy into it; guilt is the strongest emotional weapon there is; feel guilty on your own time and on your time only is your strongest defense.

  • Answerer 14

    yes. many if not most do.

    it wouldn’t be so bad if these aforementioned women were at least grateful for their (men’s) sacrifice. But many are not (they are misandric). To them, men are raping, violent, murdering, useless pigs (until they need their help).

    Just as there are no atheists in foxholes, there are no feminists in a burning building.

  • Answerer 15

    I’m a woman and no, I don’t think that. Men and women are equal and have equal rights to live…. why should women’s lives be seen as more important than men’s? Women who act like that just make all of us look bad…. so sick of it

  • Answerer 16

    Women and children should always come first, because they are physically weaker. A real man would have no problem with this. You and your ilk just want a legitimate excuse to save your own backs first. At least you don’t sugar coat it and are honest about your misogyny.

    BQ: Understanding the concept that men are physically stronger than women and that we have a bigger responsibility because of it does not make one brain dead. Get over it!

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