Do u think the media us a lie?

I’m asking because I’ve seen everything is blamed on Muslims do u think its true???


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  • The media distort the truth in reporting the news for many reasons. It can be because they have vested interests in reporting a particular side to a story or that they need ratings and to get them they have to sensationalise things.

    Muslims are blamed for way too much. There are a few Muslims who have done bad things for misguided reasons. But do they outnumber Christians who have done the same? I doubt it.

    It is all too easy in these times to blame someone else, the outsider, the person who is different. They create a culture of distrust and hate because it saves people asking awkward questions.

    Try and get your news from multiple sources if you can and you will see the same story reported in many different ways. You can then start to consider what is the truth.

  • Avenger… you survive the planet Earth? Do you easily have self assurance that the Huffington submit is the only liberal media outlet there is? NBC, CBS, ABC, the manhattan cases, the Boston Globe, those are all liberal, and that they do no longer cutting-edge independent coverage in any respect. yet neither does Fox information, or the different media outlet; all of them have an time table.

  • The media does whatever they can to make money. Right now because of the war, blaming Muslims is the current money maker, unfortunately.

  • Well, Obama is a Muslim, and look at the state of things today, so……

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