Do you recycle?

Anything? Everything? What?


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  • Definitely, the local city council provide large green wheelie bins with yellow lids which are picked up every fortnight. We recycle all paper including newspapers, all plastics with the recycle symbol on them, glass, metal cans (eg baked beans tin corn etc) aluminium drink cans, clothes and fabrics etc. Quite a bit really, its a good initiative on the councils part. Aussies are right into recycling and just about all local councils provide recycling bins and recycling depots. Telstra which is our major phone provider also have bins for those bulky last years phone books and also old mobile phones. Also most of our optometrists take peoples old glasses for 3rd world countries.

    All in all we don’t do too bad over here. I always make an effort to recycle.

  • Yes I recycle now.

    About a year ago I didn’t. My electric bill was $150 a month and I filled my over sized trash can every week. Then I decided that was enough. I cancel my trash and I stopped using my dryer. I hang my clothes to dry and I recycle 95% of our trash I fill a small trash can every other week, at the most. The majority of our trash is unrecycleable plastics. My electric bill is down to $40 a month.

    I recycle :

    glass, plastic, cardboard, office paper (from work and offices near by), batteries, plastic bags (@ walmart), shoes and clothes. However my big question is how do I recycle old used up shoes and clothes? Also I’m unalbe to recycle #5 plastic in my area. (I live in the Northern part Michigan in the lower penn.)

  • We recycle everything in my house. Even before it was a big thing we did. We always had the green bin. Rgith above our garbage is where the recycling goes and every night we bring it outside to the bin. Its usually a lot. Every week we fill up the whole green bin. And then some. Milk cartons, wine bottles, soda cans, jars of jelly, plastic bags, bottles, orange juice containers, snapples anything! you don’t realize it but all of these things and up in the course of a week. Just go thrugh your fridge and look and you realize the things. Maybe think before you throw something out can i recycle? Especially newspapers we get alot so its really good.

    Always call your local recycling companies to find out what is appropriate to recycle in your area.


  • Hi,

    I just started and I am AMAZED at how much of what I throw away IS RECYCLABLE!!!

    I used to take out 1-2 trash bags of conventional garbage every few days…

    but since I am recycling I am down to maybe one conventional garbage bag a week … if that.

    and it only contains mostly vacuum dirt, food items…etc…degradable stuff – if I had a yard (I live in a condo) I would probably start a compost!

    anyway, to make it easy I just bought a second garbage can, labeled it recyclable and when I go to throw something out I just look at it, and throw it the correct garbage…

    I usu, have about 1-2 bags of recyclables a week now…

    overall it is simple, and I am amazed at the amount of recyclable stuff is already out there! and I feel a bit better about all the garbage I produce as an individual…

    anyway, find simple ways to do it, and you will…and then you can build on it…

    M. 🙂

  • i recycle everything i can and reuse alot of things such as bags and glass jars.

    I hate any lame excuse for people who don’t. All the pathetic excuses that come out are stupid. I live in a small flat am very busy with 2 jobs and a social life but still manage to recycle easily!!!

  • Oh yes!

    I recycle:









    Ink cartridges




    Gifts(not really)

    Anything I else can.. and I inform others on the impact of what we do.

    I’ve changed my incandescent light bulbs to CFL’s.

    Use fans and turn the A/C up to 78.

    Drive less.

    Use less water- I’m getting ready to buy an aerating shower head and the swivel aerators for the faucets that reduces the amount of water used, but is still powerful.

    I get excited when it comes to conserving our planet.

    Go Green!

  • YES indeedy! And proud to help our planet. We have two bins, one green bin which is emptied at the landfill, but we have one lovely cornflower blue bin which we put allsorts into for recycling. All paper related stuffs, metal stuffs like food tins, spray cans, milk bottles, cooking oil bottles, household cleaner bottles. I put extra in that isnt listed because I would rather try and get it recycled than it go in the landfill. I have a compost bin which a lot is going into I’m pleased to say. The dogs get a lot of food leftovers but some human food is poison to dogs so not everything there. Birds get some too. Birds love a chicken carcass but its important not to let it sit there more than a couple of days. And our household recycles POLYSTYRENE! Yes! Hubby is a model maker and uses it all to make stuff for children and adults to use. Glass I have to take myself to the local supermarket to recycle.

  • As much as i am able, the trouble is the local council is not very good at explaining or indeed putting out necessary info on what can and cannot be recycled, so do as much as poss with what little info i have. Clothes,shoes, books, old videos, go to Oxfam or other charity and glass, tin, paper, plastic, all go to recycling bins.

  • I must admit I do recycle almost everything………the only thing that’s a bit of a problem is veggie peelings…..after having to get rid of my ducks n chickens I have nowhere to put them, I know i should make room for a compost but hey !!!!! I do think its very I’mportant to recycle and would like to think im doing my bit for the environment. SO COME ON EVERYONE “GET RECYCLING” X

  • Yes. We recycle as much as we can. The only thing we don’t have a way of recycling yet is polythene bags and polystyrene.

    The council collect our cardboard, glass, tins and plastic, we use a compost heap for all our waste veggies and teabags, and and all our other food scraps get put in the dog.

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