Do you think he has changed because of me?

At the start of last year, in my science class the teacher out us in alphabetical order for seating. He sat me next to this guy, james. I already knew him… we knew each other a little bit because we were the same social group. He was always really shy and quiet, He was well known for never smiling. So i remember a few weeks into the year i set myself the challenge of making him smile in one hour. I did it, but it was very hard… But it gave us a bit of a running joke about trees.

In october i started going out with his friend, that lasted till january.

But when i was with his friend I guess i kinda got a thing for james, but i wouldn’t even admit it to myself. I then Got him together with my friend, that lasted about 4/5 months.

But i never really noticed… but our friend said that since he had been talking to me he had become more open and happy. And smiled a lot more. Just before the summer holiday, he told me that he was in love with me… and we ended up having a bit of a summer fling.

But the other day, i was talking to my male friend and he said that ever since the start of last year, James had become a different person. And my friend said that was because of me.

Do you really thing i could of had that much effect on him? I didn’t even notice him change?


✅ Answers

  • yes, some times all someone needs is a friend when they are really down on themselves. shy people have trouble meeting people and can get really lonely and even more distant the longer they go by themselves. i actually lived the exact story you posted and i still love the girl 2 years later 🙂


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