Do you think kids who fail in school are lazy?

I hear a lot of people going on about how many of the kids who fail in school fail because they aren’t properly motivated/inspired, or have trouble “getting into it” when it comes to school… Yet, they are still “very smart”. What do you think of this ‘im smart I just don’t try hard’ philosophy? Is there really any excuse? Though western education could be a lot better, it’s no lie that things are far more rigorous in places such as Korea and Japan (and those kids certainly don’t fail). I know that I always despised school, yet still managed to get good grades

When it really comes down to it, do you think there is an excuse for this type of behavior? Or do you think failed grades are really just about laziness? – I obviously know there are exceptions, such as when health problems get in the way. My sister was always in poor health throughout her education, and thus allowed herself to pull a C or two (though never F’s and D’s)


Does having difficulty understanding the material really dictate cold, hard F’s though? (not B-‘s or C+’s, but truly failing a class)

✅ Answers

  • I dont think it is ALWAYS laziness. Sometimes people genuinely struggle! like myself….i failed geometry this yeah (sophomore) but its not like i didnt try at all. I just simply didnt understand it. Now, in other people’s cases, i can say, yes, its certainly a huge factor that they are simply lazy, but it really depends on the person. I, myself suck at math. I always have, i probably always will. However, That does not make me lazy! It just means my brain doesnt work well with that kinda stuff. It really all depends on the person. All of what i said applies to the “im smart i just dont try hard” they are smart, just not in some of their subjects.

  • It truly depends. Sometimes it is laziness or lack of interest, not wanting to study, or participate in the class. Other times, the class really is just hard. You could be incredibly smart, but just not be able to grasp that class/topic.

    I think though if you really studied or tried hard enough, you could manage to pull a low B in a tough class.

  • It depends. It could be because of their family situation. I didnt do well in my first couple years in HS because of my family and i was never motivated. But i grew up to not care about them and their opinion

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