Do you think this quote is true?

The more you have, the less you have it.

Meaning the more you have of anything, the less you enjoy each thing in particular.

If you have 50 pairs of shoes, you won’t enjoy each pair as much as if you had 5 pairs.

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    Yes. If you had only one pair of socks you would take care of them more wouldnt you but if you have 100 pairs of socks you wouldn’t care about it if you lost one part

  • Answerer 2

    I used to think that way about our house which was right in the middle of a path the deer used to get from one place to another. The real landlords of my house was not me (I owned the house). The real landlords were the deer who would still use the path long after I was dead and buried.

    It applies to everything. The more you have the less you real it own it. I would say that it can also mean the more it owns you. Try moving with three truckloads of stuff if you do not believe me.

  • Answerer 3

    Yes. A beggar on the street would be happier with a single pair of shoes than a very rich and wealthy person with more than he/she can count.

  • Answerer 4

    I think its true

  • Answerer 5

    yes. For example…all of my friends had a lot more video games than me. I had like two. I was pretty bad at gaems originally. but then i got really good at the two of them..I enjoyed them more. If i had a bunch…i wouldnt play as much (maybe a good thing but whatever…) yea so i agree

    Damaged mind

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