do you think we are in global warming?

i say no its a pattern but give me yur opinion


okay guys

i think it is a natural pattern

but i also think scientist are saying as another (the world is gonna end in 50 yrs kinda crap)

please tell me yur true opinion on whats going on


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  • no, and why did everyone else who answered feel the need to be an asshole

  • Yes we are. I’m from Iowa where last week the temperature was in the -30’s and all I heard was “so much for global warming”.

    If people actually wanted to learn the right facts rather than hear it from their parents opinion, they would actually understand what global warming is.

    Global warming affects harsher weather such as floods, tornadoes, and so on. And of course global warming is cause by humans. EVERYTHING is affected by humans. Nature, animals, wildlife, and yes climate change.

    There’s no doubt that pollution is bad for us.

    AND anyways if you really truly care for the earth. You’ll do what you can to care for it. It shouldn’t matter if you believe in it or not. It’s not rocket science to see a mountain with snow 30 years ago and hardly any now and know that the earth isn’t in the same condition as it was the other day.

    The world is beautiful and we should protect it. Whether you believe or not

  • We are certainly in a period where global temperatures and climates are changing. The real question is whether it’s part of a natural cycle, caused/or influenced by man, or the result of something else entirely.

    One thing that is interesting to note. While all the years in this century have been the hottest on record, the past two years have shown a downward trend. The question remains to be answer whether it’s just an anomaly in a larger trend, or the start of a new trend.

  • I do not believe in Man made global Warming. It is a political scam to gain both money and power. The media, government, and education system does a good job of promoting false info, and most people have never heard both sides of the story. They take whatever they hear on the TV for the truth, or whatever the Politicians say.

  • Yes

    but i believe there are two possibilities why…

    The earth is going through one of its natural cycles and is going to increase in temperature regardless of human activity….


    Humans impact on the earth has greatly effected the climate…

    I do believe some type of warming is going on.. but i dont know if it is man made or just natural … the majority of the information about this topic is very biased so it is hard to tell…

  • Climate change, definitely. Weather is getting erratic and more extreme. The world isn’t going to “end” for billions of years. However, the availability of fresh water, ability to grow food, and mass extinctions of species may make our planet alot harder to live on than it is now. Also less beautiful in my opinion. Can you imagine explaining to children why all the whales are gone? Pretty sad I think.

  • Yeah we are in global warming…thats why its like snowing like crazy back east.

    No such thing as global warming. Its just a natural cycle. Just like the ice age its just going in a pattern.

  • Yes! I think we are because we are releasing deadly gases into the air and plugging up the hole in the ozone layer. Thus rays from the sun are getting trapped in the ozone layer. So the earth is waring up, thus global warming!

  • It depends on what area of the world your talking about. I think that some parts are, but some parts aren’t. IF we weren’t going through global warming, then why would glaciers be melting and polar bears be dying? IF America were going through global warming, then why is there so much snow?! Or why is it so cold!? It depends on what area your talking about.

  • sure its a natural patter, but we’re not ready for it, and we are hyper-inducing it by polluting, there is a happy balance, but right now its our own fault, we are causing it. it happened in pre-historic times because of over forestation, and because plants release CO2 it caused the same effects, but now we are producing Co2 at such a rate that we may do permanent damage, because it is so unnatural from the “natural” pattern.

  • Oh GOD, so you disagree with the whole global warming thing, huh? So you have dedicated your life and career to the study of climatology? So you have obtained a doctorate degree and are a well respected member of the scientific community? Because those people who have, state that global warming is a massive threat to mankind, and has been triggered by mankind.

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