Does frozen wheatgrass juice lose its benefits when run under warm water to thaw?

I get wheatgrass juice in plastic shot glasses that are frozen. It says it needs to be consumed in 1 hour from the removal from Freezer. However it doesn’t fully dissolve, or becomes liquid for a very long time.

So I just run warm water over the plastic shot glass, which is covered, and let it melt. It becomes liquid in 10 minutes and I drink.

However anyone might know if I am redeucing the benefit by applying heat on it? or does it even matter?

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  • Heating vegetables can possibly destroy the vitamin, mineral and enzyme content. That’s why when juicing you don’t want the juicer to induce too much heat. I’d let the wheatgrass thoroughly thaw before juicing and not use heat. Or better yet, buy live plants that you can cut fresh when you need clump of wheatgrass.
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