Does having ugly handwriting indicate anything?

Ever since I was a kid to a adult, my handwriting has never improved. It looks like a 3/4th grader handwriting. At around middle school, my parents would tutor to practice my handwriting skills but for some reason I had hard time making it nice. Right now, I would be ashame to show my handwriting to anyone because it looks like a little kid wrote it.

I am not mentally retarded, but I was in a special ED class for certain subjects like Math. I had trouble memorising all those steps so I was on the slow side. But other then that, everything else is exceptionally good. I don’t think I have any other mental problems but I always like to use my “imagination” and keep it in my head.

I was wondering if my ugly handwriting indicates something that I am lacking in or mental problems I am not aware of.

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? Best Answer

  • That one thing alone doesn’t indicate a problem but it is a symptom of several things. Poor motor skills is very common in pervasive development disorders (like aspergers syndrome) but if crappy handwriting is your only problem then I wouldn’t worry about it. It is probably nothing.
  • I totally know what your dealing with I have the same situation. To me my handwriting looks like chicken scratch. I also had a few special ED classes for certain subjects and been through a few writing skills lessons it didnt really help matters. I personally see no problems with it :/ I came to terms with my bad handwriting a while back, it is what it is and if they don’t like it oh well it can’t be helped. It’s alright :3


  • Looking at the handwriting, its shape, size, the side it is slanted the psychologists can determine the behavior of the people. But its not that because we have seen doctor’s handwriting.

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