Does time really exist?


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  • It is an illusion with a purpose. But think about it. What is it? What is the present but an instantly “gone” thing separated by its no longer existing past and its not yet existing future?

  • Since you asked this in the Religions’ section, I suppose you’re not looking for a scientific point of view but for alternate views.

    Some contemporary spiritual leaders as well as most higher planes spirit guides will say that time does not really exist. Time would be something that we, humans, perceive when living in the 3rd dimension. It would be an illusion caused by matter and carnal life. Spirit guides will say that there is no “Past” or “Future” but just an eternal present. They will talk about cause and effet when concerned about our reality but will say that one day, we’ll all be conscious that time does not exist and thus there will be no cause and no effet for us anymore. There will just be… What Is, and All That Is is Love.

    Higher planes entities can be in different places, different times, talking to different people at the “same time”. You’ll hear expressions like “parallel lives” instead or “past lives”, because in reality, although it’s impossible for us to conceive, everything is happening at the same time, because there is no time.

    If you believe in a Superior Being, ask yourself if you think He would be limited by time like we are, if he experiences time going by, or if he sees everything all at once. And if he does see everything simultaneously, could that mean that time does not exist?

    I personnally think it exists in this reality, but as a learning tool, just like suffering. In the essence of things, time is nothing, only Love and Consciousness is.

    And although the most widely accepted point of view is that time is a dimension like space, some physicists have studied that subject and come to a conclusion that it doesn’t REALLY exist.

    Here’s a quote: “The problem, in brief, is that time may not exist at the most fundamental level of physical reality. If so, then what is time? And why is it so obviously and tyrannically omnipresent in our own experience? “The meaning of time has become terribly problematic in contemporary physics,” says Simon Saunders, a philosopher of physics at the University of Oxford. “The situation is so uncomfortable that by far the best thing to do is declare oneself an agnostic.””

    I hope this helps. 🙂

  • Yes.

    Here’s a test for you:

    1. Don’t post this question.

    2. If you can’t perform step 1 because you already posted the question, then time exists.

  • No, ironically Earth is the one of the few ‘Spheres’ where time is linear

    On other planets, citizens use a grid based on their advanced understanding of crystals to move throughout the fabric of time/space. They can see what time is most probabale out of the ‘quantum soup’ and press a prefered time to solidify that reality

  • Yes, time exists. Time also is the same thing as space, thus space/time.

    Here is a great article to read:

    It might be hard to understand, but it will help you understand what time is better than any R&S user can.

  • Time is as real as death & taxes.

    Without time there’s no space, no universe and nobody to wonder whether time exists.

  • Define “exist” first. Good luck.

  • I think it may do as 22 minutes have passed since you asked this question

  • We humans made the “laws” of this universe.

    We gave the names to the things in this world.

    Time is a record of….i dunno….time! according to humans.

    whether or not this planet is really aging or just eroding is….hmmm…i donnntt..knooooo

    interesting questionnnnn……………….

  • Gosh – good question.

    I think the answer is probably yes – but it’s not quite what we think it is.

    Having said that, there are a lot of physicists that are starting to believe it doesn’t.

    Beyond that, I have no idea 🙂

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