Epilepsy, tiredness, moody and energy drinks?

Im a little concerned about my bf, who had a serious car accident 3 yrs ago and now suffers epilepsy.
Hes not had a seizure for 7 months and only suffers in his sleep.
Ive noticed recently hes tired all the time and sleeps a lot, and snores so loud.
Hes on epilim and drinks alcohol, and lots of energy drinks.
How is he so tired. Hes also moody after a few beers at times and argues a lot atm over nothing. I dont know what to do.

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • Alcohol can do a lot of things to people, especially with their glucose levels. The behavior you’re observing is not unlike a diabetic’s response to alcohol. Your bf’s glucose level could be affected in a similar though less drastic fashion. Energy drinks aren’t good for anyone either and again affect your glucose levels as they are just sugar drinks laced with stimulants.

    As to what you can do, you could distance yourself from him or try to listen to him more ( listen in the sense of giving him a venue to vent ).

  • I have epilepsy too and on Kepra. First, he actually shouldn’t be drinking beer or anything with alcohol since he has epilepsy, it can increase the chances of the severity and how often his seizures are. As for the energy drinks, they are what’s making him tired all the time. The combination of his meds and certain ingredients in the energy drinks affects sleep.

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