Ex-Christians…..exactly how did you make yourself say there is no God?

When you have a personal relationship and knowledge of Him?

Which you would have had if you were actually Christian.

(going to church with mommy and daddy does not make you a Christian)


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  • Well, I saw this section and my hope for humanity went into the negatives. Then I became atheist.

    Source(s): Certified furry!

  • I think your comment regarding being in a Christian environment not making someone a Christian is spot on. That’s probably true of most. Others may share disappointment with God not being the way they want Him to be.

  • you claimed that there is god and yours knowledge about him but…. on the other hand, What is emptiness then? To understand the philosophical meaning of this term, let’s look at a simple solid object, such as a cup. How is a cup empty? We usually say that a cup is empty if it does not contain any liquid or solid. This is the ordinary meaning of emptiness. But, is the cup really empty?

    So what is your knowledge about this…???

  • The realisation crept in gradually. My parents were atheists. I had myself baptised at 11. Then I read the bible and began to think about the contradictions between it and what we know of the world. I also had a best friend who was Muslim and one who was Jewish and their beliefs were clearly insane to me but I realised for the first time that mine were to them. This made me question if it were possible I had deluded myself about the communication I felt I had with Christ and if what I felt as the Holy Spirit entering my soul was actually a form of self-induced euphoria as I assumed my Muslim friend’s feeling the same way to be. I tried very hard not to think like this but stopped believing at 16 and then I spent another fifteen years desperately trying to get my faith back and then trying to get rid of my feeling I should try to get my faith back. I am much better now.

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  • I met a spirit that I consider to be a demon.

    He has no fear of God, or Jesus.

    So…, unless I am lying, I have met someone who can hear me pray to God, when I did in the past, and does not worry about what I say to God about him.

    Why is that?

    Why would a real demon have no fear about what I can say to God/Jesus on my Judgement Day about the things that he has said to me, and what problems I have had because of him?

    Maybe because he knows something about reality that I don’t know. Like, the truth, or something.

    So.., for me…, I doubt the existence of ‘Enemies of God’ and then figure out WHY there are no enemies of ‘God’.

    It might be that God does not exist as an individual. Or, that the story we have been told is full of lies that the spirits will straighten out later.

    But I say “There is no God” because I prayed to the Christian god and was not saved from a demon. So, the Christian god stopped existing to me. As did Jesus as The Son of God.

    Jesus may have been s real person.., but not divine. IMO.

  • My faith was the center of my life. I adored it and it was everything to me. I didn’t choose to become an atheist. I actually fought it as long as I could. I slowly realized that it wasn’t true and the loss of my faith was quite devastating to me, in all honesty. I had to change as a person and change my world-view and outlook on life when I realized that it isn’t true. My faith died very hard.


  • By observing reality.

    It’s fallacious and rather silly of you to claim you have “knowledge” when you don’t — you have belief. Irrational belief, unsupported by any evidence. Belief is not knowledge.

  • Well there is a God for sure, but not the way with Jesus in a man form. Thats just retarded.

  • Read the bible.

    That book above all other things proves to anyone reading it there can be no god like that thing they have in there.

    If you tell me you “know” him, I must call BS on that one.

    No one ever had any interaction with that which is not there.

    Read your bible!

  • I came to see if there was a little insult somewhere in the question.

    You did not disappoint.


  • It is impossible to have a personal relationship with someone who has been dead for longer than even you have been alive! You have never met Jesus, you will never meet Jesus, if you met Jesus, he wouldn’t like you either.

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