Feeling extremely lonely, help:/?

I’m turning 15 this July, I feel soo lonely and it’s making me unhappy, I do have a lot of boys chasing me(not stuck up at all) but I do and they are all players, I’ve kissed Afew boys and stuff, I’ve been used heaps of times and that scars me, but I am a good girl, I respect myself, I don’t dress trashy, I’m classy, I have never ever had a boyfriend, yeah when I tell boys that they are surprised, I’ve just seen people, but nothing serious:/, this boy I was kinda seeing just wants me for Hookups and I told him numerous times no because I’m looking for a man not a boy!

I have my best friend, she’s amazing she understands everything about me and she’s like another me, but she has a boyfriend, and he’s my family friend, my brothers best friend , it annoys me, so bad.

I feel like I’m worthless, I’ve been told to wait, it will come, but you know what! I’ve waited tooooooo long, way to long to the point were I’m loosing hope and just cry and cry at night for someone to cuddle, this is possibly the worst state I’ve been in.


✅ Answers

  • Hey, don’t feel sad. It’s a good thing that you respect yourself. And you should always do that. Because you deserve somebody great in your life. Even better than people you wish they could be with you. Perhaps it’ll take time, but you’ll eventually get a perfect person in your life. It will be worth waiting. Till then, sprinkle upon some attitude on you. You have friends, a great family, and an amazing best friend to share things with you.

    Keep yourself busy if you feel too lonely. Listen to music, don’t listen to love songs. Do some sport. It makes you feel better, and many times when people get a bad break up, they often join some sport. Because it helps you unwind and gain confidence. Chances are that you could get ‘the guy’ there. 😉 but then don’t join one only because you have to meet somebody. You could start some new hobby, but then slow hobbies like reading and painting eventually make you remember stuff and feel sadder. So they are not that helpful.

    The more you run after people, the more they’ll get away. If you don’t show yourself desperate, some genuine guy may come up to you.

    And remember. There’s nothing to be sad. You’re worth a lot more. Smile.

    Source(s): Friend’s been through this.

  • you’re going to hate this answer but let me tell you, it will definitely come. I waited 19 years. And now (it’s going to sound SO cheesy) I have my very own prince charming. 🙂

    I can’t tell you how many times I was depressed over being all alone. Watching everyone else walk around holding hands, being all lovey dovey. I had lost hope and thought there was no one for me. you see, I’m very picky. I know exactly what I like and what I don’t.

    I don’t think you should ever settle for anything less than what it is you really want. guys at 15 are still just boys. hell, guys at 30 are just boys. But if you want a man… you’ll have to wait a few years. Boys mature a lot slower than girls do. but don’t worry about a thing. You will definitely find someone. You’re so young still, the average person lives to about 80. you’re just 15. you’ve only been alive on this earth for 15 years. hon, you haven’t waited long at all.

  • first, take it easy.

    you look like a very nice person. yeah, you probably will find someone to you, you need to know that boys generaly are less mature than girls so many boys wish same age of you can be interested in differents things, it’s common

    until this moment, have a good time, and keep been this nice girl.

    if you want to talk,

    [email protected]

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